Me in the mid-to-late 2000's: "The King of All Cosmos is strange and unusual and he needs to be nicer to his son."

Me in 2024: "The King of All Cosmos is the only monarch I would willingly take a bullet for."

I'm taking a star away because this isn't a great remaster, especially with the pop-in/draw-distance issues making it impossible to see far away rollable things. It's still We Love Katamari though, and I'm happy that it's become more accessible than ever with the re-release.

The Royal Reverie part of the game isn't nearly good enough to warrant including it in the title, no matter how much I love The King of All Cosmos. Still, it was great playing We Love Katamari again.

In 2019, my younger brother Paul tells me, "Hey brother, you should play Bloodborne. It's great, and I think you'd like it a lot." I don't play Bloodborne, for I am hopelessly addicted to Splatoon 2.

In 2020, Paul tells me, "Hey brother, you should get Bloodborne. It's $15." I don't get Bloodborne, for I am still hopelessly addicted to Splatoon 2.

In the summer of 2021, Paul tells me, "Hey brother, since you're here and you don't have anything else going on right now, you need to play Bloodborne right now. And then you should get it because it's $15. Also, I'm in a blood feud with Martyr Logarius." I try out Bloodborne, but have difficulty getting used to the controls due to Monster Hunter Rise-induced muscle memory and I keep healing myself instead of attacking. I do not get Bloodborne, despite it being $15, for I am still hopelessly addicted to Splatoon 2.

On Christmas day of 2021, after going to a local video game store, Paul gives me a neatly-wrapped video game-sized gift. I open it and see this box. Paul tells me, "Hey brother, you don't have an excuse anymore."

In 2022, Paul asks me, "Hey brother, you should play Bloodborne." I hadn't.

On Christmas day of 2022, Paul gifts me Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. He tells me, "Hey brother, people are saying that this game is genuinely enjoyable because the combat is good, and the dialogue is so over-the-top bad that it goes full circle into hilarious. Enjoy! Also, play Bloodborne."

If my backloggd daily journals that I keep are accurate, I played Bloodborne exactly one time in 2022, in August, and then didn't try it again until May of 2023, where I also only played one day, online, with Paul.

On December 9th 2023, I boot up Bloodborne. I create a new character, and make a deliberate point of making it my "main game I am playing at the moment" until I beat it.

It is January 14th 2024, Bloodborne was an outstanding video game, and Paul is correct about Martyr Logarius.

Also, I am no longer addicted to Splatoon 2.

Since Devil World got added to the Nintendo Switch NES Online, I figured I should give it another shot.

My confused first impression of it was fair, but incorrect. "Why can't I eat the dots?" Get a cross. "How do I beat the bad guys?" Get a cross and press B. I like it now, especially understanding how to actually play it. It's not bad. It's not great either, but interesting for its time. Pac-Man but more convoluted. And worse. Still alright though.

I understand why this game wasn't released in the US back in 1987, the puritans would've probably burst into flames. I, for one, will eat my communion wafers next to my fire-breath-inducing crucifix with great joy.

I remember my mom getting this game for my younger brother when he was a toddler and I always wanted to play it. My parents are convinced that it was because I just wanted to play whatever he was playing at the time.

Nah. Reader Rabbit's Toddler goes hard.

I watched a "playthrough" of it, and like most games from my childhood, it looks a lot different from how I remember it. But it's still a cute "click with the mouse and stuff happens on screen" game featuring abc's, 123's, and coloring.

You can't tell me coloring doesn't rock.

Really all I wanted to do as a five-year-old was play computer games on my parents' Windows 95 and click on stuff with a mouse, and I had very limited access to games. Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System was a banger. Zoo Explorers ruled (it was bad). Pretty sure there was some game called "Waterworks" that just flat-out refused to work. There was a demo for some Tiny Toons Adventures game that my mom hated for some reason.

Reader Rabbit's Toddler worked. My bare-minimum requirements were reached.

I'll take it.

This is the best survivors-like I've played.

I've mentioned in a few other reviews that every single "survivors-like" is better than the original for one primary reason: the art direction. The art direction of Vampire Survivors is dogwater. The music sucks, the spritework sucks, the visual effects are obnoxious. Then you've got games like 20 Minutes 'Til Dawn kicking its ass just by sticking with a simple color palette.

The overall presentation of this thing is outstanding. Not only does the art direction of Picayune Dreams actually fucking rule (thanks ANDY LAND and co.), but the game itself doesn't make me want to fall asleep, thanks to both the ability to play the game at double-speed by pressing a button to skip the brain-off-no-thoughts-to-be-found level grinding, and the bosses.

I love the bosses.

People flip-flop between calling games of this genre "survivors-like" and "bullet-heaven", and while I think both names blow tremendous amounts of ass, there's something to note about the latter. Avoiding large swaths of slow-moving pathetic, easily-dispensable hordes of enemies feels very close to a shmup game, albeit with way less required skill. Picayune Dreams goes ahead and says "here's an actual bullet-hell boss. Have fun!" And then I do.

Plus, by having an actual plot and story beatable in under 10 hours (it took me 11), there's a tangible feeling of "okay, the game is over so you can take a shower and go outside now" missing from every other survivors-like I've played up to this point.

Here's to hoping this game signals a sharp increase in quality of Vampire Survivors bullet-fart games of its ilk, because Picayune Dreams clears.

If you like these kinds of games, play this one. And then stop. This genre sucks. This one's good though.

The first time I played Bloodborne I had an incredibly difficult time getting over the muscle memory of attacking and using items from Monster Hunter Rise.

I just beat Bloodborne in December, and figured I should give Monster Hunter Rise another shot, since I never played the Sunbreak DLC, and it has much smoother performance on PC as opposed to the Switch (like with every other game ever ported to the Switch).

Now that I have the muscle memory for Bloodborne, I am having an extremely difficult time re-learning Monster Hunter Rise.

Nobody could have seen this coming.

"You are no longer allowed to say anything about the games I play on my phone." -my partner

My Steam review of this game is just "I HATE PACHINKO" three times in a row.


I dunno man, maybe showing a sad and dramatic pet-and-owner separation as a motivation to clear the game and then resolving it on the second level is a great example of terrible pacing.

B.ARK is like a kiddie-shmup. Like, a shmup you'd find on the back of a cereal box. It works, but it's not doing much for me and I don't want to get better at it when games like Hazelnut Hex, Blue Revolver, or any classic shmup that you could play on Fightcade exist.

I feel like the selling point of this is the 4-player multi-player, but I'm not really interested in playing this with anyone.

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning, after taking a shower and getting myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast, was turn on the computer. I have a Windows 10. If you have a Windows 10 or have ever used one ever, then you know about the lock screen thing it does. It shows some photo with credits and location information in the top-right, along with some text box in the middle of the screen, usually with information or a link related to the image.

Before logging into my computer this morning, I read the center message saying something to the effect of "Try out tons of free games!" Being a gamer and all, I figured "why not", assuming it would link me to Game Pass or something, even though I know damn well that Game Pass costs money (and is an incredibly good deal that I do not personally take advantage of because I don't play a big enough variety of games, my steam backlog is enormous, and getting games for free via alternative means is incredibly easy and based).

It opened up Edge (which I never use for obvious fucking reasons, please if you're reading this and haven't already done so, get Firefox at absolute minimum for privacy reasons, Chrome is literal spyware and Edge is strictly worse) and brought me to a browser version of this game. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize, before even clicking anything at all, that this is just Puzzle Bobble. And then it showed me an advertisement.

I get that Puzzle Bobble, or "Bust-A-Move" if you're a fuckin lame-o nerd, has been copied and renamed a thousand million billion times, but to start my morning with the feeling of "I fucking hate video games" so quickly feels both like a targeted attack from Microsoft, and a reminder to stop playing stupid shit video games. Just stop completely. If you ever get a feeling of "wow this game isn't very good and I'm not having that great of a time and would rather do something else," please just do something else instead. Or play Super Mario Galaxy.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite Bill Gates to eat my dick and also balls, along with every other billionaire posturing that they "give back to the world through charitable actions" while hoarding and acquiring tremendous amounts of wealth via exploitation of the working class. He can have his turn first though.

The NES version of Toobin' is cute and fun but, like most NES ports, it makes me want to try out the arcade version more than anything.

The funniest thing to me about this game is that tubing down a river is, as I understand it, supposed to be a fairly relaxing activity. I mean, you just sit in the tube. Even speedboat tubing looks exciting, and it is, but you're ultimately just sitting there. It's awesome. Meanwhile, our Toobin' protagonist is giving it all he's got just to get down the river. Awesome. I wish him the best.

Also, major shoutout to the digital guitarist doing the soundtrack to this game. Racing down the river, and this dude's absolutely just tearing ass on this guitar solo.

This is my standard for GOTY now and I'm not joking.

Hades II and Metaphor: ReFantazio better watch their backs.

Every once in a while a game comes out that is so special that it makes you wish you were playing Animal Crossing for the GameCube again instead.

The gimmick behind Quilts and Cats of Calico is that it's the video game adaptation of the board-game Calico but they added a feature where cats will walk all over the board and be cute and distracting while you're trying to focus.

Imagine my look of surprise when I kept getting distracted by cats walking over the board while trying to focus.

One of them even hissed at me when I tried to put a piece down.


Aesthetically, goes hard.

Mechanically, too hard.

Me: "So the gnorps have to hit this rock over and over to collect shards from it, so they can hit the rock with stronger stuff to get more shards. It's a clicker game. It's cute though, I actually like this one!"

My partner: "...Steven, is your computer mining bitcoin right now?"