I remember this being very good but the challenges or whatever they were called (and the story) being stupid. Will replay on PC on nightmare soon and see.

As a kid this game gets away with it, at least until you try to fight a boss with any character other than the one you're supposed to play the stage as. Awful.

Insane for 1985, decently fun now

Starts off making you think it'll be an interesting system/bioshock type game, by the end a numbers game I couldn't wait to finish

Look at these dudes... they think theyre makin movies

looking back on this it's PROBABLY a big piece of crap but I'm not in the business of replaying psp games so

Revolutionary or whatever. Got filtered by sniper level. RIP

Do not trust anyone who says this isn't the best jak game

Carried by the music, except when the music isn't upbeat bc then this game will probably put you to sleep

Don't really get the nostalgia for this era of sonic games. At the time it was just bad, if anything I like it more now that I recognize how funny stuff like the president's picture of sonic is

so ass, and folks, I am NOT talking about the blue one

Imagine having to grow up thinking all crash games' plane levels were just supposed to be Like That