every time i think about how this ends i devolve into a crying sobbing wet beast screaming "LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP FR!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then i also think about how it actually ends (the tip)
that's what motivates me.

i played this while it was on a free trial last year and it was feeling like such a breeze to 100% complete, i was loving it

mummy-me maze forever: [LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER NOISE]


-the game got too hard on normal so i switched to easy mode and it immediately became fun again but it was still difficult lmao
-the true ending's final, like, scuffle was probably the most i've focused on a game in years, it was great !!
-the old boy corridor reference could've gone a little harder,,,
-love that you can play as a girl, this was not ever a feature i knew of this game so it was a pleasant surprise
-story's whatever, but it works i guess !!
-i also played it in basically a single day LMAO probably wouldn't have happened had i played on normal, but i really couldn't bear it for much so its fine i guess,,,,

I think white palace was the most fun I had with the game <----masochist?

poochy.... Poocby..... ouuuuuhhhhh poohy... greatesr animal ever.......

i have 350 hours on the switch version (on the lite)

i don't know

i think the ending sequence gave this game half a star yeah

I wish I hadn't played this on the switch,,, I think I may have made a disservice to this game by playing it like that (even if i practically got it for free), i may still replay it on pc someday c:

i was so terrified of this game at one point i was unable to get fresh materials without being startled by normal fish,,, may pick it back up in the future, but im too scared of it right now !!

this game hates you, unfortunately, i also hate this game
at least the music bangs

this game is peak basic rpg and it rules

shame the artist is a creep because a lot of the character designs whip ass (not all, some are clearly... yea)

this game is so cool and fun and i too, sometimes look at life as it is, not want it in excess, and find peace within that, i love it and i never want to look at it again

final fight is really bad, also did not enjoy the ghostbuster mechanic, it was not that fun

rest of the game is really fun and hard as fuck, i loved playing it in ultra-violence (until the final fight), genuinely do not go into this kindly, it will Beat Your Ass !!!