the laugh factory Bad Ending turns Good

charming to see such an unbounded patchwork approach to making a game in current year. as artifact of confused collaborative design driven purely by whims, very cool. as thing to play, i mean, it's probably up there with the Austin Powers In Hell Matrix Weapon Pack TC you downloaded off fileplanet for quake 2.

"my brute" - borat, spamming his referral link in all your favorite forums circa 2009

as much of a game as participating in "nanowrimo" is and for the same sordid lot. all the roleplaying in this amounted to fairyland atheistic scientocracies writing novella decrees on declaring big lebowski public curriculum and making so long and thanks for all the fish their national motto

the purest team-based fragging you can hop into today. game of the year 2018 going forward.

sort of invokes the lovecraft board games like arham horror in that you'll randomly die through little fault of your own. given how "following a gamemaker tutorial" the running&gunning in this is, that could be a boon

you can tell this one is for "gamers" by "gamers" because the franchise's armymen are now all very special boys and girls who can do everything and there is no longer a scoreboard because kdrs are evil


whoa dude i love fighting teleporting headcrabs and vortigaunts for the whole game

wait for the npc to stop talking to you so the door will open and you can play the game then wait for the npc to stop talking to you so the elevator will stop and you can play the game then wait for the npc to stop talking to you so the switch will be pressable and you can play the game then drive across the empty megatexture desert from indistinguishable poi #1 to indistinguishing poi #2 so you can wait for the npc to stop talking to you so you ca---wow, yeah, just like all my favorite id shooters. world and narrative are inexplicably inspired by the oeuvre of one anthony burch. has the best sounding shotgun since doom 2 but to what end?

my first and last brush with superhot, an unmistakably procgenned nightmare of garish anti-user presentation that flatly refuses to get on with it so you can hit buttons. is there anything less interesting than these interactive art installations?

kinetic date with a bubble economy angel....... a Tip: lose in jankenpon to incur the purifying fire of norikos smugness, repeat as necessary

no flight sim aspects at all. every mission is the same and is played through several sub-warioware level minigames that play themselves. gunning down planes gives no feedback and it's impossible to lose. absolutely the worst way to vaporize the population of dresden.

totally empty streamer game dressed up as mmo for kids who will just go back to playing rust. will probably be shut down in 6 months. the world is a nonsensical eyesore populated with assets that look ready-made to be plugged into a thousand different games and a story that borrows historical iconography for cash shop armor sets and nothing else, leaving the "new world" feeling ... [flips balisong in front of you, grins] ... old, and the premise of fantasy conquistadors fighting fantasy religious for (tamed, mundane, ugly) territory incomprehensible. if a world doesn't make sense and it doesn't intrigue then it should at least look cool but new world is any random pull from steam's "survival" tag sorted by newest+under $5. bezos couldn't even arrange for part of the budget to go to music.

pve is vs broken ai which you can just hammer mouse1 against without dodging or blocking (weapons use almost 0 stamina =D =D) and the pvp has to be toggled on in much of the world so of course nobody will, and even if they did the way the game works both parties have to agree to fight because without an organized murder squad (i.e. mutual fans of your fave streamer =D =D) there is no counter against just running&rolling away chugging hp pots. both systems are subject to metaslavery like you've never seen before. weapon/build options are limited and not being tab target will strip away any illusions of choice; every single player sticking around will be playing an identical character, and the mechanics aren't sturdy enough to justify suffering this. character movement is limited too and the zones are rife with effective invisible walls. you can get stuck going through a house because of a hanging pan and you can't take shortcuts in town because you're supposed to stick to the railroad tracks even though the rooftops and alleyways are clearly traversable, so sorry it's all invisibly and arbitrarily blocked off =D and it isn't even a pvp zone. there are so many bushes and fences that impede your movement and spamming jump has no effect, jumping isn't a function in new world so much as it is an emote. "sandbox", huh? this game is solely, entirely, wholly for those little goblin people who like to click trees and click rocks for mats to see how big their stacks can go. there is nothing else to do. serious pvpers will not stay because there isn't a high enough skill ceiling to exonerate the homogeneity and trudging character mechanics. if you really just want to roaming zerg vs zerg play realm of reckoning.

heroshit makes this inferior to the first