I play it with my brother when I wanna play something that doesn't have a story and doesn't require me to focus too much. When I want something laid-back. The dunks and ally pops and powerups n all make it a rly enjoyable game

I just play this game with my brothers for fun. I'm not that good at it tho lol

Tried the story mode but never finished it

Came to know if this only coz of dani's video. Dani made it for a game jam. Played it a while back so I don't remember much. But it was fairly simple game and fun game I think. I downloaded the game from itch

It's a fun game to play locally with friends or family. You've gotta cooperate to make the food items before time runs out. Can get a lil frustrating at times tho 😅

I didn't finish it tho. Only played a few levels. Lost interest after the levels started getting too difficult

One of the best fighting games to play with a friend or family member.(Obviously) Super violent and gory. Finishers are really cool. Local games are super short too, so you won't lose much time.

Didn't play campaign tho so idk about that.

Really good game. Great visuals, pretty easy fights, great story, and... the music was also good but I wasn't wearing headphones so I couldn't really experience the games full musical glory. Sometimes the puzzles were a bit bothersome as I spent too much time trying to figure them out. Eventually used Google to solve a few of them lol.
It's a pretty short game. I finished it in 3 or 4 days. The game said that it would restart if I died too many times but idk if that's true coz it didn't happen to me. Or maybe I just didn't die too much...idk. Well you don't die that easily in this game. Fights are pretty easy

Overall it's a really great game. Definitely recommended. It will be worth your time

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Played this through Xbox game pass. I played it with my brother quite a while back so I don't remember all the things exactly how they were. But it was a really nice co-op game with a solid story. Game mechanics were pretty simple if I remember correctly. The game would just show what button to press etc.

However im not sure if there are multiple endings to the game. I only got one. There was a fight between both the main characters in the end and the character my brother played(the one with a family) died. The other guy was actually an undercover cop

Super cute,nice and short puzzle game.... Really liked it

It was a unique game. Haven't played anything else like this. Short and interesting game about lost souls after their death?

Amazing gammmeeeee!!!!!
Absolutely loved this game. Played it on my cousins ps4. Superb story, gameplay and soundtrack. Can't explain how much I love this game...

I didn't like it. Maybe coz I didn't understand how to play it properly lol. Deleted it after a while

Honestly it was kinda boring. I played it just for the sake of finishing it. For some reason the game wouldn't save even at checkpoints, so if power supply got interrupted, I'd have to restart the level. Each level was kinda long too

Really beautiful and fun management -type game. I managed to finish 90% of the game. Played it on game pass. So I didnt have the time and patience to reach 100% even thought I wanted to. Anyway I had completed the main storyline

It's a lovely game with a good story, cute visuals, beautiful music and characters that have a lot of personality.

Sometimes it can get frustrating as this game takes up quite a lot of time. There aren't really any game mechanics. It's just clicking buttons and you've got to wait quite a lot as well.

It's a game meant to relax your mind, meant to be played when u don't rly wanna put too much effort into the game

I didn't really like it that much. Not like horizon, nothing to explore. I guess racing games aren't my thing