6 reviews liked by sabitsuki

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I was flinging my chair across the room and cheering like an argentinian football fan while a teenager was contemplating homicide

This is one of the worst written games I've ever experienced. Actually, one of the worst written pieces of media in general. When I think about the fact that this game was made my eyes genuinely start involuntarily watering and I have to take deep breaths and calm down, usually by watching Tom and Jerry shorts or listening to a song from Drake and 21 Savage’s collab album Her Loss.

It's a shame, because this game has by far the best characters in the franchise, but they're all not used very well. The tragic Ryoma Hoshi, the mischevious Kokichi Oma, the unsettling Korekiyo Shinguji, the heroic Kaito Momota, and more. It's like if you go to the grocery store, buy 16 apples (these apples are representations of the Danganronpa V3 characters in my analogy) and then you walk out the store and start throwing the apples into oncoming traffic and watch them get destroyed and spoiled. It's horrifying and sickening to think about. I bet THAT drove some of you to tears.

The high point of this game is the executions. That's what it does better than the other games. Can you imagine how I sound right now? "Yeah, this game murders children better than the other games do," do you realize how that sounds? If any sane person saw me say this they'd think I was insane and stay away from me. That's what this horrible game's doing to me and my life.

I know multiple people who insist this game is good, and they always make fun of me when I say this game sucks. They harass me, point fingers at me, start saying degrading things to hurt my character, and it never ends. Only I see the truth of this game, and the truth is that only Chapter 1 and 4 were good, and even 1 is significantly flawed, carried by a twist everyone is always YELLING and SCREAMING about. Screaming in my ears! It wasn't that sad either. I didn't cry, and I never felt like crying. You wannna know what WAS sad? Uncle Ben's death in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. They built him up as a likable character, and one with a very close connection to Peter. And all thanks to our protagonist's mistake, he indirectly causes his dear uncle to get shot in cold blood. That's how you establish a tragic death, and make me feel for the protagonist in loss. Imagine if Peter cried over some random old man he only knew for two hours, that would be overdramatic and I would wonder why this movie is so acclaimed. Thankfully, that's not the case here and Sam Raimi made a masterpiece of a film.

Willem Dafoe's performance as the Green Goblin is also unmatched. He made him seem like a silly cartoon villain, but also a menacing one who wasn't afraid to drop a train full of children off a bridge to their deaths. He has a tragic motivation, but not a redeeming one that nullifies his descent to madness.

Now moving on, I think Alfred Molina also plays a brilliant Doctor Octopus. A man who had everything going for him. He had a loving wife, a great career, and was about to complete his dream machine. That is, until disaster struck. He got too cocky, he miscalculated. That resulted in his wife, his dream, his reputation, all gone. His inner rage and the AI of the arms he made himself pushed him into a path of darkness, similarly to the Goblin. He had a tragic motive, but not a redeeming one. He knew he would destroy the city, but he didn't care. He had nothing left to do but see his dream through. It isn't until our titular hero Spider-Man snaps him out of it. He learns that sometimes, we have to give up the things we love dear to do what's right, even our dreams. This is when he sacrifices himself to make up for everything he's done wrong. A powerful character, and a powerful movie.

Why did I go into an analysis about Sam Raimi's Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2? Because those movies are well written and better worth the time than this steaming DOGPILE of a video game. You people are all like Doctor Octopus with the arms, controlled by an AI chip telling you this game is good. I'm Spider-Man, and I'm the one who's trying to snap you all out of it. I'm the hero who saves the city.

And if you think Maki was a good character you probably also unironically think Venom from Spider-Man 3 was a good villain.

this is the game for people who enjoy pressing the A button and sometimes the B button as well

I have never seen a game so obvious being about just having fun and succeeding in that goal in the best ways possible

If this game was a person I'd beat the shit out of it.

I don't have the DLC but the base game by itself was fun, obviously there were issues with the game but I think people overreacted. It's just a regular pokemon game, and I also really loved the characters :) It's easier than other pokemon games, and I completed it in a relatively short time but I also didn't bother to complete it to 100% so I might have to do that sometime.