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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 9, 2022

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time played - 12.5h (some frustrating levels at the end added to this. Could have been an 11 hour run otherwise, with collectibles hunting included)
⭐ Score: 3.7/5
🏆Trophy completion - 56% - Easy but not really a fun trophy. Things to collect, have to look up mid chapter achievements etc. This means you are not immersing yourself in the game, and also means you really need a 2nd play-through. Chapter select is there so nothing is missable, but there is no way to jump to mid chapter to pick up missing trophies. I don't understand why games don't give you ability to jump to all the checkpoints IN chapters. Missed about 25% collectibles but i wasn't going to bother. On PS5 you get in game hints which are helpful if you get stuck or want to collect things. They were good. Also to upgrade all your items for trophy lots of materials are really hard to miss so if you don't collect enough you literally have to play everything looking for mats....

📚 Full Review:
Overall a good game that had me immersed. However the story is nothing creative. I believe I saw the movie Willard who did the same thing :) I would say if you generally like story driven games with good emotional touch play this.

- Generally enjoyable story though nothing creative
- Good emotional moments between the main char and the boy.
- Mid story beats of stealth take downs weren't too repetitive, but because there is no depth to it, it can get boring for people
- last 2 chapters were very glitchy, auto aim deliberately stopped working and i had to do this one fight 10 times in the last chapter. it was frustrating. Aiming is SUPER hard in this game when aim assist isn't working.
- Side characters were forgettable. They were generally there to push levers, fill the silence. Sorry.
- Game doesn't do much to explain WHY these things are happening. Maybe part 2 does.