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July 18, 2022

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time played - 43h
🏆Trophy completion - 100% - (no new game + but platinum. This game respects your time and if you enjoy the game do it. The only grind was getting to lvl 50. it never forced you with hard stuff, or go full crazy mode on a hard mechanic in game. It wants you try a little bit of everything and gives you a reward for it. I wish EVERY game was approaching plats this way.)

📚 Full Review:
Overall this game is better in every way from the 1st game. This game is absolutely one of the most gorgeous games i have ever played. The attention to detail is so immense here that its mind boggling and it elevates everything you do in this game. For example, when you walk in wet sand vs dry sand, the dust of the sand reacts differently WTF!!!! If this game told me to walk 10 minutes to go collect a pile of dung from one of the machines I would do it without hesitation. The game is that beautiful and atmospheric. It has every weather type, terrain type. The landscape, and the world building is mind blowing.

What I appreciated horizon for and nails it here is a sense of culture and "aliveness" in the world. Everything you come across though fiction seems COMPLETELY plausible. Every major city is a different architecture and culture filled with architecture wonders. The citizens adapted to the circumstances just like real world. amazing.

The combat is easier and all the gripes i had about the last game were fixed here. The dodge actually works. The monsters still knock you off balance but they aren't CONSTANTLY doing it. I couldnt even aim properly in the old game vs large beasts since everything was always shaking!! I personally think combat in horizong zero dawn is broken. Here its good. Few gripes still, that I can never seem to pick up a large machine because any small hit from a monster you drop it and then take 10 minutes to pick it up and ramp up the gun. Though I tinkered with other guns, nothing beats the bow. Too bad. I felt in the old game all guns had some use. In old game because it was harder i felt i needed to combo more with elemental (ice + dps). here i just used regular arrows mostly. Maybe my experience in Hoirzon1 made it really easy for me.

GOREGOUS GAME and world + culture building
Cool main story, goes places. Though ending doesn't make any sense, i didn't care.
New machines are fun
Pleasant to platinum

combat is still not 100% polished. apart from bow and occasional stealth, nothing else seems to be useful.
though free roaming is better than horizon1 its just not really there so its almost useless and you just go back to taking the road. ex: cant actually climb cliffs all the way up like in BOTW.
aloy constant whispering under loud music. Guess they didn’t learn from the first one.
one dimensional characters. Was fine for me though. I came here for action and graphics.