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1 day

Last played

August 6, 2022

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: Nintendo Switch
⌚ Time played - 10h
⭐Score: 3.9/5
🏆Trophy completion - I believe you can go around and collect all the optional fruit and could have been fun but I did not want to overstay its welcome. I have other games in backlog itching to get through. Completed whatever was necessary and any i discovered accidentally or looked fun to get.

📚 Full Review:
This game reminds me very much of a simple RTS. Though I assume if you got really good at this game you can run things in parallel with multiple leaders like RTS require, I never really needed that. Its a good introduction to fundamental elements of an RTS. Overall its a short and fun game. Its to the point and not overly complicated. I really loved the hint system in case you got stuck, you can use the hint and it will map where you need to go. Really simple and fun and straightforward. Highlight was definitely the boss battles! Having you mix up your pikmin usage but also being very forgiving. Overall a definite recommend with no real drawbacks.

approachable , engaging, and fun game play loop. Building the world with different pikmin abilities and then going after the boss. Then moving onto the next world.
Hard to get stuck due to hint system
i liked the world of pikmin. Its alive, cute and believable and looks great! Though not the level of 1st party visuals. Feel good Nintendo world. :)
Some cool puzzles where the leaders have to coop and split up. Wish there was more of it. Often times all the leaders are in one place and you pick the right pikmin for the job.

minor: I am use to playing these sorts of "micro" control games with a mouse. It took me a little bit of time to get use to the times when i needed precision. EX: if you call your pikmin w/whistle they will drop what they are carrying, when i sometimes just wanted stragglers to follow me. NOT drop the carriers. You have to be very careful where you aim your whistle sometimes.
minor: lack of real story