Log Status






Time Played

27h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 24, 2022

Platforms Played


🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 19h story (27h total with 100% trophy)
🏆Trophy completion - 100% - Really enjoyed the trophy list. This is the first collection game that i did not mind collection trophy. Most of the time they are so tedious I do not do them. I used a youtube video side by side and just play along collecting with the youtube creator. It was easy and it made me appreciate the level design, which during regular play is very hard to navigate.
🤬Difficulty - medium - It starts off hard, as you dont have abilities and death will reset you to your previous rest point like a souls game. You also loose your experience which you have to hit (kill optional) the monster that killed you to get it back.
🌄Graphics – Modern, nice to look at.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Great sound track feels like you are in star wars!
📚 Main Story / Characters – The story is nothing out of the ordinary. Typical heroes journey story but the stand out is that damn cute robot, BD-1. I found his companions and the main character annoying. He doesn't grow much in the game until much later on. That is also when the game gets more interesting. The game overall starts strong (4/5), for a few chapters looses the punch (3/5), picks up again towards last 40% (4.5/5). Thankfully.
🤺 Combat – Definitely has challenge. You cannot blindly swing your saber. You need to be deliberate about what you are doing. I appreciated that.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Very very easy to get lost. The map is so hard to read! I think universally people hate the map.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Fine. He runs weird, his roll leaves him extremely vulnerable so use it sparingly. There are SOME EXTREMELY frustrating rope grabs in this game. There was one rope i died 10 times on and there is no reason for this in an action adventure game. It should just be forgiving and let you grab.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent.
🥇 Best thing about the game - I enjoyed the action adventure and combat especially toward the last few chapters. I hate collection trophies but this game was unique in that i did not mind it.
👎 Worst thing about the game - Some parcour is finnicky. VERY easy to get lost and gets frustrating.
💡Final Thoughts:

Really enjoyed the game. Get through the boring middle part. If you get lost look it up, there is no need to bang your head going in circles. it takes the fun away. Will recommend anyone play this game. I think its honestly the best intro to souls like game.