Fans arguably more annoying than genshitters in how much they rim the game's ass, the kind of armadillos that unironically praise autodeploy as some groundbreaking, gamechanging feature because the grind is oh so bearable when you don't have to keep clic- I mean tapping all the time

YO sinjar bros we brought smokes right? RIGHT???


modern arts and spearbooks

genuinely no idea what they were thinking, dungeon crawling is the worst part about this series


american history is the most boring thing known to man

I truly wish real life wars were fought like the ones in this Care Bears special; complete lack of stakes, harm comes to none but the cottonball enemies filled with undying rage, their conviction unfaltering to trap you in one of the blandest combat systems ever conceived, battles so sleep inducing people recommend speed trainers to get to the real meat faster, the hundreds of episodes long battle shounen anime-tier story; stay tuned for the 16th game in the series for that's when shit really hits the fan.

you now remember ceaseless discharge

this shit had one of the worst top guilds ever, fuckers were demanding an irl pic just for the priviledge of joining, like yes I totally wanna dox myself for SOUL OF THE ULTIMATE NATION

no ammo kino but kinda lacking in enemy variety


chronicles of mitoka kusonagi (no relation to anything)

this is just my everyday life, don't get the hype