claiming first comment as a non german

Vanessa needs to punch me in the face

Connect the pipes like in the old DOS game for them turrets to go BZZZZZZZZZZUTTTTT and waste them zombie fools eliminating any and all challenge and suspense; yes I'm a bit of an intellectual for liking this, games are art and not children toys. Btw did you see my big daddy funko??

allegedly did something better than the first, had a cute cat companion so maybe it's that (sadly the stoner bro dev gm decided that the magisters are also kotphobic because that's so quirky and funny)

YO sinjar bros we brought smokes right? RIGHT???

coop partners triggering slowmo makes u feel like a bystander in a max payne game

the geek character becomes a boxer just so she can afford new glasses

you can't make this shit up


genuinely no idea what they were thinking, dungeon crawling is the worst part about this series


chronicles of mitoka kusonagi (no relation to anything)

this shit had one of the worst top guilds ever, fuckers were demanding an irl pic just for the priviledge of joining, like yes I totally wanna dox myself for SOUL OF THE ULTIMATE NATION

I am the undefeated air hockey champ