blast from the past in all of the glory from what you remember when you play this game on PS1
for the beginner to is a great platformer that you can enjoy and 100% this game (if you include a time trial then you are going to get rage inducing gameplay so just do it for warped only for the complete gem)

the great remaster of the game from ps2 era that i never play before!!!!
story and gameplay are top notch that you can connect them directly
recommend this game!!!!
going to platinum this game!!!!
already platinum this and omg the last scene of the complete ending is bitter sweet for mercedes and ingway

most og of the game fight toe-toe with Monster Hunter even though its niche but its a great game with chef Kiss-approved story!!!!

great sequel for the perfect game with some flaw but its still the masterpiece!!!

just slow rpg that made my brain rot to the core!!!!
the lvl design is so fucking broken that you can solo this shit at beginning but at late lvl that bullshit is more up the ante!!!
cant recommend this game

the perfect receration of my childhood memories!!!
still didnt complete 150 for phatomile door but going to complete it
overall perfect game!!!!

fantastic strategy game that has replay value about what to choose!!!!
even though short game but it is still a great experience for a startegy lover!!!!

great game!!!
even tough its short, its still very good game with lvl design, enemies and story(even though i still didnt understand some of it but overall its have good story without using voice)
have some issues with crash in the game but it still didnt kill my enjoyment with beating this game

really great port from wii-u and the bowser fury part is what the 3-d mario should be!!!!!
still need to get some sticker for 100% but it can be sometime when i dont have anything to play with
done with sticker and its really slog just obtain all of that sticker
but still great game at the core

fantastic game that needs to be played by all the people
the only flaw of this game is just the platforming is kinda suck
other than that, it is a great game

good game but still too janky for my liking
overall 8/10

great game and story with some scene that ahve unresposive but still solid game

great story that know how to implement good qte in the game!!!!!
plot twist that was mindblowing that involve the prmise that we know in danga ronpa
i dont want to give spoiler but just guess how they implement their dangaronpa style in the game for plot twist!!!!

the great game if you want to play gundam
just the ai of player is little dumb
overall package is great to exp
going to plat this
plat this bad boy already!!!

great game from the past that being brought by ea
hard to admit that this is ea we are talking about
but still great game at the end of the day