Pretty fun! MP8 has some gimmicky boards, but they typically feel interesting and have some fun dynamics. The minigames are great; I actually like motion controls and a lot of them are so chaotic and/or stupid that you and your friends are just laughing like idiots. Strong character selection too. Great Mario Party!

The car blows. There are some good minigames in there, though. Mini Stars are also very lame.

An absolute triumph of modern video games. Not only is Marvel's Spider-Man unquestionably one of the greatest superhero games ever made (only rivaled by the Arkham series), but it's one of the crown jewels of the PS4 era and a landmark in the modern gaming industry.

Spider-Man excels on all fronts: gameplay, story, characters, content, and the brand that it is based on. As an action game, Spider-Man has incredibly fun combat that never really gets old. There is such a plethora of combat skills, gadgets, mobility, and smaller bonuses everywhere that every single interaction feels like a playground. Throwing enemies around like dolls, jumping off of walls, webbing up goons, perfectly dodging each attack, you really do feel like Spider-Man (with a slight hint of Dante thrown in).

And as an adventure game, Spider-Man succeeds in being the most fun traversal system I've ever played in a video game. Swinging around the city, soaring over buildings and running on walls, it's an experience like no other. The fast travel option is much appreciated to have for post-game content, but I almost always opted to make my own path through an enormous depiction of New York.

The story is great, the characters are great, it feels like an awesome story and an excellent Spider-Man story. Honestly, I didn't even feel like the brand of the biggest superhero there is was that obnoxiously in your face.

Spider-Man is ridiculously good, and is easily one of the best games of the last 5 years.

Pavlov is easily the best multiplayer shooter available on Oculus, but isn't without its flaws. Its benefits include a great engine, gun variety, a multitude of game modes, and approachable but deep gameplay. What it lacks, however, is freshness. You only play on the same three or four maps, in the same three or four game modes. The guns are fun, but even in Gun Game it begins to feel stale as you cycle through the exact same order and weapons over and over again. Pavlov has tons of potential and is a blast to play, but could really use some added content. Also, it's practically impossible to invite your friends on Oculus.

Now look, I understand that this is one of the greatest and most influential games of all time. It helped pioneer 3D gaming and the industry would be significantly different without it. But, I really don’t enjoy playing it. Having played modern installments like Galaxy or Odyssey really shows its age; the camera is super clunky and Mario just straight up doesn’t do what you want sometimes. The worlds are great, though, and there’s generally very good level design. I’m giving it 3 stars for its legacy but I did not enjoy completing the game.

Another Mario Kart ripoff. It feels faster, but doesn't control nearly as well. The items are also unoriginal, and clearly the selling point was having SEGA IP's rather than a decent game. Not really worth the play.

A cute, fun platformer to occupy some extra time and novelty to your brand new PS5. Is it anything mindblowing? No, I honestly forgot it existed until just now. But it's a fun platformer in its own right, demonstrates the capabilities of a new console/controller in fun ways, and acts as a great celebration of Playstation's history. All the little character cameos are so much fun to look out for.

Plus, the intro demonstration with the controller never fails to amaze my friends and family. I've shown it to like 30 people by this point and it's always a hit.

Great action platformer with tons of replayability. Aside from lots of skill diversity, constantly fresh combat, amazing boss battles, and cool development of Samus's story, Metroid Dread is truly a horror game disguised as a Metroid game. Your heart begins to race the second that you enter an EMMI room, and you are never truly at ease exploring the various areas throughout the map. You're constantly being stalked, and escaping from an EMMI is only a temporary relief. You know that you will eventually have to go back in there and face it, and that never gets easier. Raven Beak is also a dope nasty character and I would love to see it in more media. Solid stuff Nintendo.