4 reviews liked by sammy_potat00

Didn't know survival horror could make me cry this much

A passion project executed to its fullest extent. full of charm and unashamed love for the anime, video games and music that raised its creator. the rare game where you feel like they did all they wanted to do with it, nothing more, nothing less

It's easy to fool people into thinking you're a competent game when you have an engine with premade assets and flashy lighting doing most of the work for you. The only good things in this game are the cool sword animations and the marginally okay mechanics already executed far better in games that came before (play Titanfall 2!), but even those are not so polished at times. Comically awful, soulless writing that I probably could not have executed worse if I had tried, one of the (if not The) most generic takes on the cyberpunk aesthetic I've ever seen. The difficulty is nice, but the level design isn't too interesting, and it sure as hell isn't going to be the story that motivates me to play this. And what's with the random braindead puzzles? Before this, I had a resolution of finishing more games that I started, but I realized this really makes no sense when you're forcing yourself to play mediocrity. Avoid!

Great videogame that somewhat resparked my interest in videogames with its simplicity. There is nothing about the traversal that hasn't been said yet, but I'd like to mention how good it is one more time before moving on to the rest.

Things I liked:
- Presentation is superb, with high production values. Beating this in my shiny new computer was glorious. NYC looks amazing especially in the afternoon and at night, the fights look awesome and colorful, and there are loads of pretty nice shots.
- Combat is very satisfying. Gadgets are fucking awesome, and I consider returning to this someday just to toy around with the trip mines in the bases I didn't clear. I loved the finishers and the dodging too.
- Variety of suits is really nice! I enjoyed playing various segments of the game with different suits
- Acting is quite good, the ending sequence is fantastic. Story is much more serviceable than I initially expected. Otto knowing about Peter after all actually caught me off guard, I thought he was just very naïve, but I was the naïve one after all, heheh. I enjoyed Parker's character a lot, particularly how Insomniac was not afraid to make him suffer. I think Spider-Man's overall tough life is the thing that makes him such a loveable and relatable character, and he is constantly taking an emotional beating for the most part of this game lol

Things I disliked:
- Higher difficulty just drags out the game for no real reason - on the highest difficulty, I wasn't dying at all nor I had to rethink the way I was playing, but the enemies sure took their sweet time to die. This made me slightly demotivated to play the game. If you play it, set the difficulty to the lowest one and just enjoy the ride as a cinematic thing
- Mary Jane gameplay segments were somewhat boring
- Martin Li just kind of... fades out of the plot? No closure at all. Despite being decent, the story has this veil of... triple A blandness to it.

I enjoyed it overall, and I hadn't beat a videogame this long (although Spider-Man can be considered kind of short speaking in overall videogame standards lol) in quite a while. Here's to hoping I'll play more videogames in 2023 :)