29 reviews liked by sayakamiki

if i could only play one video game for the rest of my life, it would be stardew valley. i love it so much, like SO much. every time i start a new save file it feels new and completely different from the last. i've been playing it for 7 years and i still learn and discover new things all the time. ugh, it just makes me so happy. it's something i'll never get enough of. it's perfect in every way.

Even if I wasn't a Homestuck fan I'd probably recommend this game, especially to anyone who loves gorgeously detailed adventure games where any part of the environment is bound to give you a memorable line or a funny joke. I'm well aware of the production hell this game has gone through, due to, let's just say, lots of complicated factors. It still doesn't make this any less worth playing, in my opinion.

Oozing with charm, the characters are great, the interactions too (I love when you can combine everything with everything and get unique responses). Also dancing! What's not to like?

joey and xefros are both awesome :)))

I think this group of characters and this plot is five times more interesting than half of the entirety of Homestuck but maybe that's just me idk.

This game is pretty good, but it's INCREDIBLY short, easily beatable in 2 hours, any extra time being devoted to seeing as many dialogue options as you can, as there are a LOT.

It seems like they've just stretched themselves thin trying to perfect everything, but it ends up leaving an incredibly short experience without much of note, it's pretty much just a prologue.

Gameplay is fine though, it combines aspects of the webcomic with Point n' Clicks very well, and there's an incredible amount of attention put into everything, with tons of different dialogue options, and plenty of achievements tied to them.

Loved the art, loved the music. It was cool seeing more about troll society. I wish it was a bit longer though

Animation is stellar, music is great. Gameplay is very retro, being that of a point and click game of the 80s or 90s, but it hasn't aged poorly like some of the games of the time. I wish there were branching paths instead of being railroaded down one avenue, but there are some secrets you can get by doing things out of order. One achievement is currently impossible to get without cheating, and the completionist in me is very disappointed by that.