It was fun for the first bit, but as it became clear that there is nothing to the game beyond wandering through empty fields to the next place to find answers, finding no answers, and going to the next next place, it's just boring and flat.

This is a really good modern interpretation of the classic NES style action exploration type game. It's also super hard and I wish I was better at it.


At first I thought this was what happens when Fez and Link to the Past got mixed in a blender with a dose of fox, then I realized that, no, this is NOT Fez. It's The Witness.

And considering how The Witness is almost the perfect puzzle game and Link to the Past is the perfect 2D Zelda and foxes are cute, Tunic is one of the best games I've ever played.

My only complaint is that the combat is not as perfect as the puzzles. It's good, don't get me wrong, but with Hades, Death's Door, and Unsighted in contention of best 2D combat, Tunic feels clunky. But as a whole package, Tunic is top notch.

Special review blurb for puzzlers: It's essentially a very, very, well done puzzle hunt with a 2D adventure game tacked on to it. I definitely screamed "OMG I FOUND THE META" at some point.

This game does exactly what it says it would do. It's a very competent and charming SRPG. It can be particularly difficult and brutal with its many systems, but if you're into the FFT-like SRPGs this scratches that exact itch. It is, however, pretty long, and I just ran out of steam with all the other games I have sitting there waiting for me. It's a nice one to pop back in time and again though.

This is a fun little multiplayer game where you roll into each other and bounce around and deal damage. Like a cute chaotic violent crokinole? It's simple, but with different characters and powers and stages it's definitely unpredictable and takes quite a bit of skill. It's a cute little timewaster.

It's a 2d top down rougelike with a Special Mechanic: the dungeons are made up of floating platforms on the water and you can move the platform you're on with the right analog stick. I really do enjoy this twist, being able to literally change your battlefield on the fly opens a lot of possibilities! And also there are fun puzzles when you navigate through the dungeons!

The game as a whole though I did not enjoy. Its many systems and mechanics contradict each other often.

Its combat features the soulslike staples like light/heavy attacks using RB/RT, dodging, parrying, estus, viscerals, etc. and it just doesn't feel right. The small pixel art makes it hard to tell what is happening, when to dodge/parry, and what enemy hitboxes are. The frantic rolling and parrying, which uses the A and B buttons, and the tactical platform moving don't go together. The weapon and item system that encourages you to combo light attacks also don't go well with the constant dodging and parrying.

Also parrying isn't satisfying.

The other big contradiction is in the rougelike part. I feel like it wants to be something like Dead Cells, with knowledge (the currency that unlocks items) lost on death but spendable between levels, as well as bonuses for finishing levels quickly. But then you have long levels, costly unlocks, and knowledge just doesn't drop very often. So runs felt... not rewarding. Also the encouragement to rush through levels and enemies felt contradictory to the puzzle solving and combat; plus the clock ticks in the safe zone!

There are some really nice new mechanics like the sliding platforms, the potion gambling, and the dungeon modifiers you can equip. But overall the game is just... not something I want to do one more run of.

What looked like a pared down direct Diablo 1 clone at first is actually a deep, hand-crafted, streamlined ARPG experience. It's definitely not as "deep" as something like Diablo 2 or Path of Exile, but it scratches the same itch and distills the essence of those games into a neat little package.

It's a very basic game, kinda boring; honestly reminiscent of the old Flash survival games and not really in a good way?

Update after uninstalling: oh my gosh this thing is like a gig WHY IS IT A WHOLE GB?!?!?!

It's a clever game, and I do really enjoy the visuals and the vibe. It involves quite a bit of time investment and grinding though, and I find it in an uncanny valley between idle and active where it is sometime I need to pay almost full attention to but also feels kinda like a chore. Maybe I'll come back to it when I have more time?

It's Hexcells but it's free and... not good. I am not sure if it gets less mind numbing and tedious later but I honestly gave up after a dozen levels. It's more busywork than puzzle, and definitely lacks the beauty and aha moments that Hexcell has. Heck, even the procedurally generated Hexcell Infinite puzzles are better than this. I am giving it a 1.5 because it's free.

It's a very clever combination of tile laying board game and block dropping puzzler! So many optimization decisions and a great set of risk/reward mechanics. Definitely one of the better puzzle game's I've played.

This is an interesting resource balancing game, where you have to interrogate villagers to learn about how they change one of five resources when you perform an action with them, and then select the appropriate villagers to perform actions with as well as sacrifice so that none of the resources are depleted, all while managing how much the factions of the village like you.

This game ultimately feels like a Reigns but More. Kind of like a solo board game experience. I found it interesting and difficult, but ultimately it didn't feel like a GOOD board game, just an okay one.

This is a silly game that is essentially a tiny The Witness parody. I very much enjoyed it, especially since it's free. If you enjoyed The Witness this is definitely a game to try.

This game definitely has Vibes, and I do find it really cute. But it's also more frustrating a survival roguelikemetroidvaniatypething experience than I really enjoy.