24 Reviews liked by shicoke

all these voices in my head / wishing i was dead / my mom says im depressed

the sex mods carry unfortunately

Wonderful meta-narrative that takes a little more than an hour to beat. Recommended if you like The Stanley Parable but want a shorter experience.

Best walking sim, with the only competition being the other one made by this guy. I like it when people make me very sad.

this game makes my entire being glow. i have never resonated with any game like i have with this one.

The only game to ever make me properly cry, and I tell you I sobbed. Then I got really angry because I knew I was being so obviously manipulated, but the themes really hit home and I couldn't help but be emotionally destroyed by them.

Nearly 8 years later, I'm still not sure how I feel about this game. Might be time for a replay.