YesyesYesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes he goes sooooooo fast

You can play as the flash! I LOVE Ezra Miller! 4 stars just for that!

Grant Gustin is cool and all but he should have stuck with glee as that is the superior property.

[Verse 1]
Through the darkest sky, groping for the light
Like crying for the moon
Never-ending black, forgot what I want
Never felt that hard to me

That's right, go forth
Don't look back
I can believe in the path I'm on
Faith, pride
So what do I have to fear

Under the sacred briars
Never stop, just go
I don't care how many more scars I get
Bearing the pale fire
I'm going as far as I can
I hope my path will be
A guide of light for someone to follow
The roar of the spark

I Love GLEE!

Best Character - Mike Chnag

Worst Character - Can I say both Rachel Berry and Mr Schue

Fun for all the wrong reasons.

Is genuinely very bad but I love it.