7 reviews liked by skamlig

The tumblerifcation of Silent Hill. A blunt and pathetic attempt at being at both a video game and exploration of serious issues that include suicide and bullying. The only thing modern day Silent Hill is known for now is trauma and PT. What a lazy and awful score by once renounced legendary composer Akira Yamaoka. The r/Silenthill community have gotten what they deserved for begging for a dead corpse to be reanimated and brought back to its rotting decaying life.

About as good as a free to play modern Konami Silent Hill game would be. (Terrible)

Hey you know that series that is known for it's excellent use of sublte story telling and being good?

yeah i wish it was still around too

This is somehow a worse game than Silent Hill Homecoming. It feels like a weird attempt at mixing Silent Hill: Alchemilla (the fan HL2 mod) and P.T.

The story in this is so offensively bad and on the nose with how it portrays trauma. I get earlier entries in the series touched on those themes, however it was less in-your-face and annoying about how it touched on those things. The other games either left the themes to your own interpretation or had you observing other people's stories. This one tries to do that but feels too stupid and direct, the depression themes aren't even good. Every time something happens, the game covers your screen with a prevention hotline number and some other shit. You don't need to constantly show that. On top of that, the game isn't even deep either. It reeks of 40 year old boardroom men type shit. Speaking as a person who has been through some awful points in my life, this is so off from how shit actually is, and to try and tie it in with Silent Hill is just laughable.

The story is pretentious as hell and it feels even worse knowing that this was released with the thought that it was gonna resonate with someone.

Also the chase segments...Ooohhhhh the chase segments...They are my worst enemy. So you remember the weird black hole in Downpour? We can all agree that was annoying as hell, right? Well what if that happened again but you were trapped in a very dark and even more convoluted maze, with an enemy who will trap you in a way-too-long kill animation? Great idea, I know. Well that game has that exact thing.

Needless to say, as of now (not counting Ascension) this is the worst entry in the series.

this is one of the most fun games ever made. its goofy as hell which makes it a good time to just be there for but it also has some real heart and genuine sentiment to it.

Was pretty interested in giving this a shot after how highly it was rated, and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed.

The music is generic and doesn't even have a proper beat, making it way more difficult than it should be to hit attacks at the correct time. Everything feels like it has a delay to it, making every move feel extremely slow.

The writing is horrendous. People crucified games like Forspoken over this type of writing, but for some reason it gets a free pass here. It is the most exaggerated, annoying, cringe writing I've ever had to endure. Every line that comes out of the main character's mouth makes me want to put the game on mute.

I assume the reason this is so highly rated is because of the "style", which is pretty neat I guess. It's cool how the environment reacts to the beat. But other than that, there's nothing here worth experiencing.

This games parkour is ripped straight out of dying light 2. they didn't even try to hide it. is this what gaming has come to? how are we allowing game developers to be this lazy? We need to take a stand against the corporate greed that gaming studios has become.

5 lists liked by skamlig