i remember playing this a lot in my childhood as a good boy from new zealand should and enjoyed it a lot but it probably hasn't aged well idk

from what i remember, a pretty solid Bond game ever since goldeneye and agent under fire. everything after this was pretty much crap tho

a unqiue FPS that utilized stealth in a way i hadn't really seen an FPS do up until this point

probably my favourite game from the PSP era. played this so much and replayed it countless times as a kid. if i had the chance i would probably play it again too. serves as a good alternative to any kid who never owned a PS2 until late to road to hill 30.

brothers in arms franchise went out with a bang. really good game from what i remember, played it countless times and enjoyed myself. a really unique WW2 game for sure. i don't think anyone does WW2 games better than brothers in arms.

loved this game as a kid like the WW2 fanatic i was back then. replayed it again recently a couple of years ago and loved it just as much.

poor mans CoD tbh but from what i remember still pretty fun

very immersive. best WW2 game ever. can't stress enough on the immersion and enjoyment i had with this game.

very immersive. best WW2 game ever. can't stress enough on the immersion and enjoyment i had with this game.

Probably one of, if not, the best Arkhamverse DLC, pretty cool setting and you actually get to explore Wayne Manor for once which was a win for sure

Pretty fun, wish it was longer tho but what do you expect? Wish Harley's character after this game was treated with as much respect in Knight

Imagine the DLC being better than the base game itself lmfao.

Best AC DLC hands down, fight me.