Possibly the greatest collection of games ever created. So many classics here and masterful pieces of work. Truly one of the best video game franchises of all time, up there with many greats such as The Last of Us and Assassin's Creed.

In terms of collections, this is probably the best I have played, with the Nathan Drake collection just behind. Absolutely loved all of it, hoping we get a complete definitive collection in the future that adds Portable Ops and V to the mix as well.

"After all we've been through, everything that I've done... it can't be for nothing."

While maybe not classified as a "remake" in every sense of the word, it's still a pretty justifiable rendition of one and a really good one at that. I really loved the Remastered version of this game specifically and have played it a ton since my first playthrough, but Part I hits really different and honestly dethrones Remastered as the preferred way to play the first game in all it's glory.

Obviously, nothing has really changed in the narrative department as everything was used as originally recorded and intended, it's more the focus on the gameplay and visuals that make this game worthwhile over the original and Remastered versions of the game. While I agree at some points, the price is a tall ask for a game that already exists twice over, I also feel like the money was worth it, especially for newcomers which it is honestly justifiably more aimed towards?

In any case, the quality of life is so much better in this than in the previous versions. I especially loved how much more emotional everything felt with the updated character models and facial expressions that far exceed the calibre of what the PS3 version and the Remaster were able to achieve. Things just feel much more real and grounded, a lot more personal than before, I don't think I can even touch the original versions anymore after this because, as it once did, it no longer has that emotional punch you get with these high detailed cutscenes and environments.

It's also way less buggy than before, I always found some bugs in my playthroughs, could be because I was pushing the game to it's limit on higher difficulties, but still, there shouldn't be any bugs fullstop. Safe to say, Part I was absolutely bug free in that department, even more so on Survivor difficulty which I did this playthrough on.

I mean, sure, it's not Part II level gameplay. There's no dodge or prone. A lot of people had an issue with this, but it actually makes sense. You can only change so much before the level design starts to feel a bit too different to what you remember. I completely see where Naughty Dog is coming from when they say the dodging mechanics could add to that issue (although there were some close combat instances where I really wish I could have just fucking dodged) and as for proning, well... the levels aren't really designed with that in mind. When you look at Part II, there are so many obvious options indicating you to prone. Like through grass, under trucks, in small spaces and the like, however, that was not the case here and it would be silly to add a mechanic that just... wouldn't really be used without drastically changing things about the levels themselves.

Haptic feedback was a real game changer for this title, it was like re-experiencing the whole thing all over again with an added layer of immersiveness which immensely contributes to the fact that the original versions might not hold up as well to me anymore in the gameplay department.

Overall, it's great and definitely worth your money, maybe not as much if you technically already own it, but get it on sale and you'll never go back.

"Find something to believe in and find it for yourself. When you do, pass it on to the future."

Holy fuck.

So, at first, I was a bit confused about the direction of the plot... and it did not feel as gripping as the first, but Kojima proved me wrong so much. By the second half of the game, everything shifted, it all made sense and I fell in love with the narrative. An absolute mind fuck of the game that left me saying "Wait, what the fuck?" so many times. The parallels between the two games being revealed later on absolutely blew my mind too. Really solid story all around.

Gameplay wise, I would say in aspects it improved on MGS1 but there were also some changes I didn't exactly like. Very minor though. The ability to shoot crouched/while in first person is great and things do run a lot smoother. The AI is smarter and a lot more challenging too. The boss fights, not so much, though are also more enjoyable. I would have liked them to be a bit more difficult, but I don't really mind in any case because I enjoyed them all thoroughly.

A masterpiece of a game that has sold me on Kojima's style, never doubting this guy again.

This game is an absolute fucking masterpiece and all the hate it has gotten over the past few years is extremely undeserved. With that out of the way, the story imo is sooo fucking good. I think this game topped TLOU1 by a long shot. I loved everything about this game from the gameplay to just... everything. I hate finishing this cause it makes me feel empty but I'm definitely gonna go back for New Game+ and possibly attempt a plat trophy.

If you haven't played this and you feel iffy around the controversy, don't listen to the haters... this game deserves every piece of praise it got.


Right, so... there's quite a bit to say about this game and this is likely one of those instances where it's either overhyped, resulting in lesser enjoyment, or hyped up purely through nostalgia. In any case, my thoughts would remain the same.

For starters, the plot is fuck all interesting. I don't really care about any of these characters and the overarching plot feels very rushed and put together at the last minute leaving for a very sudden and abrupt ending that would leave much to be desired but doesn't because it's just not interesting enough.

That being said, the crown jewel of this game is it's addictive gameplay, which can sometimes fall flat. I wasn't a fan of certain tasks abandoning checkpoints (as others did have them), I'd end up playing a tedious task 4-6 times because of a minor fuck-up, sometimes the game would tell me things after I had done something resulting in a failure which was the biggest pain in my backside.

Which means, the even bigger jewel of this game is actually the soundtrack, even though the ending fight soundtrack completely ripped off Pirates of the Caribbean for whatever reason, but it slapped.

It is definitely a game that exists, something fun to pass the time ig, but a masterpiece? Pretty far from it.

This game just keeps getting better and better on replay, the more you think about it, the more thought provoking it is, the more captivating it is and the more emotional. I cried a lot in the final chapters, didn't think I was going to, but it really touched me. This game helped me get through and over a spiral of depression I didn't think I was going to get out of for a long time over the course of 4 months. I am eternally grateful to Sam Lake and Alan Wake as a character for showing me how to find the light in the darkness. Easily top 5 games as of now, probably top 3 by the time I get around to The Final Draft and the eventual DLCs.

"Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack."

This game is definitely a thrill as advertised. So many well done aspects from story, gameplay, atmosphere... it's very well crafted. is it the best entry in the series? That's a definite maybe, it's hard for me to say. There are so many great entries (so far), it's like trying to pick from a candy store. I will say though that I enjoyed certain aspects more than the first two.

I think the gameplay is the best to come from the first three games, purely out of personal preference. I had a lot of fun with numerous segments and boss fights that I would gladly go through again on replay, and I really liked Naked Snake as a character as opposed to Solid. They're both great, but Naked has a certain edge to him that makes him a lot more enjoyable to spend time with.

The story is great, it started pretty simplistic, but as is with Metal Gear games, went in entirely new and different directions that were unexpected and also welcome. It made for yet another great story entry in the franchise with twists the franchise is well known for. I don't know if I'd say the twists were as daring as MGS2, but they were definitely bold and really well done. So far, my favourite ending to a Metal Gear game too.

In conclusion, is is definitely one of the giant greats of the gaming industry up there with it's predecessor and absolutely deserving of the praise.

"I'm just a man who's good at what he does... killing."

My first time experience with this game and it was such a really good experience. My only complaint would be some tedious controls and sense of direction, but that comes with the territory when you play a PS1 title, so it's not exactly a present issue.

I got into the gameplay so quick, it's really fun when you're not constantly making mistakes and it's even complimented by a competent story, albeit some random ???? moments regardless, but I really enjoyed it. Codec exposition is actually very interesting and does not overstay it's welcome like I thought it would.

A lot of the bosses are very easy though, save for the second Vulan Raven fight, which is a bit of a disappointment but also a relief.

Overall, a very solid game, I loved it and I cannot wait to replay it in the future with it's insane sense of replayability.

"If we lived forever, maybe we'd have time to understand things. But as it is, I think the best we can do is try to open our eyes, and appreciate how strange and brief all of this is."

A great game visually and narratively. Insanely unique and heartfelt. Juggles suspense and tension with coziness and sadness extremely well.

I really want to live in that house though.

"Would you kindly?"

Quite an interesting and unique experience. Really fun gameplay and an interesting, philosophical narrative. It does get a small bit bloated in the latter half, Fontaine isn't nearly as interesting as Andrew Ryan, but playing as a Big Daddy for a brief moment was fun.

My only complaint really is the translation of dialogue and gameplay. I found it hard to concentrate on what was being said half of the time which left me a little confused with some details, sometimes the dialogue was even drained out by SFX even after lowering a lot of them to prioritise the dialogue, but the satisfying end made this not matter much to me.

Replayed this once again since my mum wanted to see it. She enjoyed it and I surprisingly enjoyed it more than any other previous playthrough.

The lingering question while playing this was "what the fuck is going on?", which pretty much sums up this experience as a whole, but even more so... what the fuck were they thinking?

They took everything that made the first game great and completely dumbed it down for god knows what reason. Horrific dialogue and voice acting, bland environments, the most generic and forgetful bosses, enemies that don't even seem like they're trying to attack you? And then somehow an even less eventful and downright boring plot compared to the first.

A lot of people say you can play this game by just spamming square with Ebony & Ivory, which is partly true. I think if you want to at least have a little bit of fun with it, using Alastor or virtually any other side arm with the intent of racking up a few combos, you can enjoy it a little bit, but the challenge is just not there at all so it does leave very little incentive to put in much of an effort at all.

Though, weirdly enough, this isn't as bad as people let it off to be, I don't think it's the worst game ever, for like the 4 hour runtime it goes on for, it fills it up pretty decently. I feel like for younger players, this game would probably hit the mark, I imagine a lot of younger people wouldn't really see right from wrong with this title and in certain ways, it is sort of the most accessible entry point to DmC if you're too anxious to delve that deep into the fast paced and unforgiving gameplay but unfortunately these circumstance scenarios don't save this game at all.

This is pretty embarrassing. The writing isn’t too bad but god is the gameplay awful. I want to have a sit down with whoever thought this game with an open world and it’s traversal mechanics was a good idea. Half of the time spent playing was walking around a map that didn’t need to be as big as it was and the pay off isn’t even good because the map is absolute garbage, it feels like I’m playing some highly advanced Roblox game or Second Life. It is not good. It’s a shame too, because I was looking forward to the detective premise but I guess I’ll have to give the previous games a go instead.

This feels extremely unpolished gameplay wise, not into the gunplay at all and the dialogue/voice acting throws me off. Story is both interesting and uninteresting, not sure if I can push through 11-15 hours of this.