postal 1 if it was bad. unfortunately, i find myself attracted to the protag.

is it controversial to say i actually liked the 3D models...

going to make my american boyfriend play this game

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i liked the part where you get attacked by a bear. just to clarify i don't mean the actual bear attack ending i mean mason

when you see this not as a critique of fps games but as an interactive adaptation of heart of darkness/apocalypse now it's super based and cool actually. like one of the very few video games that adapt literature without just being bad edutainment


have gotten to a stage in life where i don't need to use this game as a coping mechanism anymore. kind of bittersweet, really. my ex tried to get back together with me yesterday and i said no. if it were even a month ago i would have jumped at the chance. even if i'm not as obsessed with it, townscaper will always be so close to my heart.

euphoria for gay people like me. there was poo poo involved and i was not a fan. aside from that it was pretty okay. enjoyed the bloody bits because i am the worst person ever. art was nice which is always a plus

absolutely fucking gorgeous pixel art. generally just a good time for insane freaks like me.

would it be too myhouse.wad of me to call this ergodic gaming??

today my partner left me. feel horrifically numb. have been getting up to more game development shit in the meantime even though im not really motivated to. built a penis shaped house in townscaper and then built another building with a courtyard. i have a weird obsession with courtyards in things. they have a safe feeling i think,,, a pocket of greenery away from prying eyes.


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one of the best yume nikki fangames ever

Reminds me of the same feeling of dread you get when playing specific worlds in yume nikki alone late at night. You know there probably isn't anything out there to get you but it feels like there is. I liked driving the pizzamobile

unfortunately so unplayable that i felt like slamming my forehead into the wall over and over again. i liked some aspects though