Lost my save. A generic boomer shooter. The fact that it is based on a comic about kiss is kind of interesting and seems to be a game lost to time.

Shallow as a puddle. I beat it for retroachievements.

I believe that EA WRC could be considered the best rally game. The cars handle exceptionally well, and the variety of courses is also impressive. If it weren't for a few grievances, I would give this game a 5-star rating. My main complaint is that the game lacks optimization. Despite having a computer capable of running current titles at maximum settings, I sometimes struggle to maintain a consistent 30 fps, even with reduced settings. Additionally, there are unavoidable stutters during gameplay. Another issue is that there's a 25% chance of the game failing to connect to EA servers, requiring me to quit and try again. Lastly, I wish the rally school provided more comprehensive instruction. While it covers the basics, it would be beneficial to have a structured teaching system that focuses on different car types and includes practice areas for more advanced driving techniques.

Playing through this game made me reflect on my rose-tinted nostalgia and realize that perhaps Twisted Metal isn't as enjoyable as I remembered. It didn't help that the final boss presented an incredibly challenging difficulty spike that felt entirely unfair and left a particularly bitter taste in my mouth.


I respect this game, but honestly, I had to drag myself through it. The escorting and fighting enemies became tedious. However, I do find the vibes of the game awesome, and I really like its concept.

Some interesting ideas to have ship battles on the GBA. Overall bland and boring.

The possession mechanic is a neat concept. Needing to play the levels over and over to figure out how to beat the bosses made me develop paths through with who I want to posses.

This game is not good. The mini games are frustrating.

Square Enix was knocking it out of the park with visuals on the psp. Other than that this game does not have a lot going for it. The dive system was a cover for terrible ai and the game is full of frustrating boss fights.

Fairly simple mechanic and is fun enough.

This game was more interesting than I expected. The semi open worlds and objectives were an interesting idea. The controls are the biggest thing holding this game back.

Wow this game sucked. While playing I had a terrible time. I considered giving it two stars for attempting the ratchet formula and resembling it. However I found myself hating this game more and more as I played. The guns are weak, enemies do too much damage, it is unbalanced. I don't know what that racing game was. Everything was frustrating. Don't play this game.

I liked this a lot. It didn't feel as unfair as many of these games feel. It was still difficult in the end but I can see how someone could get at this game.

Kratos pushing his daughter away was probably the best moment in gaming in 2008.