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3 days ago

3 days ago

sondi finished Tomb Raider

This review contains spoilers

Looking back on this, I don't know why we thought this was ever a "realistic" reboot of Tomb Raider. She kills thousands, there's samurai and soul magic going on. I really like the camera sway. It adds to the uncertainty of the island a bunch. I hopped back in on a save I started way back in 2016 I think. I was already halfway through it apparently, and I remember dropping it because there was so much side stuff, and this was back when I was a completionist. Now that I actively avoid things in games I find tedious, it was a fun ass experience.

I like the mind numbing gameplay loop of parkouring through a ninja warrior course falling apart as you do it, then shooting a bunch of dudes. It's relaxing. I don't really care for the story because now I know (and I guess even back then) that there would be another game that would be when "Lara truly becomes the Tomb Raider" (please tell me this doesn't become a reoccurring thing with the reboot trio). It's a fresh start and that's okay. It was fine, almost more than fine at some points.

4 days ago

sondi is now playing Tomb Raider

5 days ago

sondi earned the Replay '14 badge

6 days ago

6 days ago

sondi finished SuperHot: Mind Control Delete
I never had a game actively fuck with me. Bro was speaking directly to me with some of my thoughts on the first game. I wanted more, and I got more, and somehow I feel punished for wanting more (in a good way). Why do I have to wait a real 2.5 hours to finish this little meta shit to finish the game? I know I said after playing the first one, "This is fine. I liked that it was simple". It's like he took that shit personally and went right at me.

Gameplay is vastly expanded with these perks and abilities that make the gameplay loop addicting. I played this nonstop two days straight off a full steam deck charge just to beat it. It's challenging at the right temp. I really digged this, sucks I'm never playing this again unless I hack that timer down.

7 days ago

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