5 stars for Rika specifically. 3 stars for the actual game.

Played kinda poopy on the Switch :(

It's fine. Got obsessed, then it got repetitive.

It's fine. Not as fun as it was in the old days.

Lilith's hot, but it just didn't feel like a fun or great game to play in the end. Didn't end up finishing the main story even once.

Really fun and exactly what I wanted from this style of game.

This was probably the best I was and ever will be at a COD game, LMAO.

Fun game, quirky cast and dialogue, definitely nostalgic. Still as beautiful as the first time I watched my brother play the game when we were kids. The combat/boss designs were a little wonky and definitely showed its age though.

Or maybe this? Whatever. Call of Duty!

I dunno what I expected, trying to pick up and play a classic JRPG in 2023 and rating it with modern impressions, LMAO.

Amazing music. Not sure if I'll go back to playing the game though...

god do I miss this game. JD and Lighting baybeeeeeeee