Played kinda poopy on the Switch :(

5 stars for Rika specifically. 3 stars for the actual game.

Blue Lions and Church routes completed. Still need to finish Golden Deer and Black Eagles routes.


Played for a game design class. It's fine. The history is cool and important though.

Sweet little game with a sweet little story.

Great gay mech girls. Still need to play the other endings though.

Played for a game design class, didn't really get into it too much. Love Jack Black thoughhhhhh.

The remaster was a travesty. Shaundi best girl.

Art, vibes, and gay people are 10/10, but I'm bad at metroidvanias.

I've tried to get into this game SO MANY TIMES throughout the years, but I just could not. Yet another game that I feel like I absolutely should've fallen in love with, but didn't.

Super fun to play as poor college students who wanted a co-op game.

I'm too impatient/tired to play a slow-ish game right now, but I really enjoyed the vibes of this game. It's INSANE to me that this game was built in Ren'py. That's super duper cool.

These damn lesbians made me cry!!!