12 reviews liked by sri

changed my life vn....I lost


Who is Lloyd Bannings?
To the blind, he is the light.
To the starving, he is the bread.
To the sick, he is the cure.
To the sad, he is joy.
To the prisoner, he is freedom.
To the poor, he is treasure.
For me, he is everything. I love Lloyd Bannings.

Fate - 8.5
Unlimited bladeworks - 9
Heavens feel - 10

I absolutely adore fate and it's powerful themes and messages. The story of a young boy finding a way to come into terms with his severe trauma in order to make meaning out of his life and find happiness resonates with me very deeply. However, it has many many issues and flaws that are hard to overlook. Pacing issues being the most prominent. In other words, it's a 10/10 story no doubt, but it's a 9/10 vn at the very best.

If you love stay night do play hollow ataraxia.

Everything from its immaculate world-building to its intricate depiction of the horrors of war accompanied by a powerful soundtrack and stellar production makes it quite possibly the best thing I have ever read.

An extremely potent narrative with an especially human cast.

Save in the name of true love.

Kinoko Nasu genuinely outdid himself with Hollow Ataraxia delivering a powerful, moving, and illuminating tale surpassing its illustrious predecessor in the process.

The Fate series is one of the most important and impactful stories I have had the pleasure of experiencing and Hollow Ataraxia stands comfortably as the apex of the series' bountiful sensations. Enveloping me in a cascade of relevant deliberations, I exited its cathartic spectacle forever changed and emancipated.

"The world is overflowing with beautiful things. Humans are overflowing with beautiful things. Who could deny that?"

If you look like Elie MacDowell please dm me.

Coming back to this with context from the later games only makes me view this already masterful game in an even better light. Perfectly wrapping up existing arcs and storylines coming out of SC and setting up new conflicts, concepts, and storylines that carry on 5 games later, all while telling its own beautifully tragic story about a man stricken with grief and hellbent on punishing himself. I'd say Sky the 3rd, while not being my favorite game in the series, stands as the true testament to the genius of Falcom.

Even after fully catching up to the series, this remains the most magical and memorable game for me, the first game that truly skyrocketed me into being a longtime fan of this medium. The hold this game has on me is strong.