211 reviews liked by steelydanpants

one of the greatest games oat i adore this game in every facet.

There have been an increasing number of small games taking inspiration from PS1 horror games for years now, but Crow Country is absolutely worth checking out for combining some creepy creatures and sequences inside an abandoned theme park some silly humor.

You can choose to go through the game without enemies apparently, but I liked having to zig zag around monsters and choose when to start blasting

It’s also about 4 hours and includes a hint system that gives just enough context to get you through the classic problem of “where do I go next”.

potencial mejor metroidvania del año, ya sea por su impecable diseño de niveles o su espectacular apartado artístico



An Immersive Sim classic. Drawing heavily from System Shock and ImSims past, Prey is both the ultimate ode to the genre while also being one of its strongest entries. Arkane Austin: you will be missed.



The best AAA rogue-lite you're ever gonna see.

Overall a decent play; very reminiscent of Until Dawn but I'll be honest, the ending felt rushed when the beginning had such a good build up.

I love this game so much that when I first played it in third grade a fire alarm went off in the building and I didn't leave the TV til the cops made me put the wiimote down. I legit put it all on the line to get a few extra minutes of this game in

makes me feel like Ego when he eats the ratatouille that reminds him of his mom's home cooking