It advances the plot of Danganronpa so it has that going for it, but Jesus the game you have to play is absolute ratshit. Horrendous, especially on Vita with it’s tiny analog sticks.

It’s the kind of game I finished because I’m a broken person and need to play everything in a series, but if you’re not broken the same way I am I’d recommend just watching the cut scenes on YouTube or something.

Cool concept, a lot explained at once that never quite sunk in.
A cool way to expand Solitaire but not really for me I don’t think.

A game about a mech suited flying president REZ shooting enemies for an hour.

I miss weird Mario. I’m glad weird Mario is kinda back with Wonder.

Can be an ass occasionally but still love smashing through this game when the thought pops into my mind.

Cool game, love the little environmental story going on in level progression.
I remember finishing this as a kid feeling monumental. It’s still cool to finish now.