First Game I Played on Each Platform

To the best of my memory anyway. I do not count the Atari plug and plays I had which is where my Atari experience came from and while I never owned an N64, Gamecube or Xbox of any kind, I did play games on them so it counts. I also tried to put them in the relative order I played them in but again, memory is fleeting.

Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Wii (cousin's wii before getting my own)
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 64 (on a friend's N64)
Xbox (on a friend's xbox)
Game Boy Color
Nintendo Gamecube (On my aunt's gamecube before getting the game for my ps2)
Xbox 360 (on a DIFFERENT friend's 360)
Game Boy Advance
Playstation (on my uncle's ps1 before getting my own)
Playstaion 2 ( on a friend's ps2 before getting my own)
Playstation 5 (despite being a ps4 game it still the first game I played on it)


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