Log Status






Time Played

6h 20m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

September 24, 2022

First played

August 4, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Main Game

First Time

September 2022



Episode 5

Did you convince Lukas to stay or go?
>>40.8% convinced Lukas to stay.
Did you enter the witch's hut or warn your friends?

>> 55.9% entered the witch's hut to take the cake.

Which weapon did you craft?
>>11% crafted a diamond axe.

Did you choose new armor or keep your own?
>>86.5% chose new armor.

Did you convince Gabriel to keep the secret or tell the truth?
>>47.9% convinced Gabriel to keep the secret.

Did you take Gabriel or Petra on the horse?
>>31.1% took Gabriel.

Did you ask Petra to come with you or stay behind?
>>74.5% of players told Petra to stay behind in the cave.

Did you enter the maze or look for a way around?
>>66.4% of players looked for a way around.

Which new armor did you pick?
>>86% of players decided to pick new armor.

What did you build in order to get into the Witherstorm?
>>21.8% of players used a Potion of Leaping.


2h 0m




D​id you save the amulet or your friends?
>>35.8% chose to go after the amulet in the Grinder.

Did you follow Lukas through The End or lead the way?
>>63.9% followed Lukas through the End​.​

D​id you high-five Reuben?

​>>61.5% did​n't high-five Reuben. (wtf? I didn't even know there was an option to do that)

Did you reveal or keep the secret?
>>74.6% revealed the secret.

Which armor did you take?
>>52.7% chose Magnus' armor.

What did you yell after Ivor when he run away?
>>30.7% of players told him he'll pay for this.

Did you drop the Amulet or jump down into the dug hole?
>>84.9% of players jumped down alone.

Did you listen to all of Soren's records?
>>96.4% of players listened to every record.

Did you become friends with Soren?

>>93.9% of players agreed to be Soren’s friend.

Did you save all the survivors?
>>86% of players saved all the survivors.

1h 30m

August 2022



How did you take down the Ghast?
>>28% took down the ghast by reflecting its fire beams. (Mostly because I couldn't work out how to use the bow lmao)

When did you leave the temple?
>>17.4% departed at morning.

Did you kill a monster with a bow and arrow?
>>52.9% of players completed Episode 2 killing a monster with the bow and arrow.

Did you fall into the pit of Endermen?
>>36.2% of players jumped over the pit of Endermen without falling in.

Did you tell Gabriel or Petra to let Ivor go?
>>70.3% of players told Gabriel or Petra not to let Ivor go.

Boom Town Version

Did you trust Axel with the amulet?
>>29% kept the amulet while Axel distracted the griefers. (No way am I giving it to Axel. He's shown to be unreliable through the episode.)

What was your Boom Town fighting name?
>>34.7% went by the name "The Amulet Holder".

Did you build your tower out of wood, wool, stone, or sponge?
>>41.4% of players chose pink wool.

1h 20m



Geniunely though this was going to be very kid-friendly, but it's actually pretty good. And it has Lee in it!
Since I can't see my choices, I'll put them here. Luckily they're all on the Wiki.


Did you send Reuben away or keep him with you?
>>>66.4% let Reuben get a black eye. (I couldn't let him run away again.)

Did you rescue Lukas or alert Gabriel?
>>>37.2% rescued Lukas. (ALL of us don't need to go and talk to Gabriel. Although I am surprised nobody actually came with me to try and save Lukas.)

Did you try to rescue Petra or Gabriel?
>>>50.8% rescued Gabriel. (He's like... the super warrior, so of course I was going to save him.)

Did you keep Lukas from leaving the shelter?

>>>76.6% convinced Lukas to stay in the shelter. (He's actually very nice and Axel is out of line. Being an asshole for no reason. Plus considering where we are, it felt wrong to let him go by himself.)

Did you choose to seek out Ellegaard or Magnus?
>>>49.3% chose to seek out Magnus. (I didn't want to leave Axel alone with Lukas, honestly.)

What did you name your team?
>>>34.8% of players chose the Order of the Pig. (Just a random pick, but I liked it because it correlated with Reuben.)

Did you threaten Otis, trade with him, or do nothing?
>>>36.4% of players threatened Otis. (Why the fuck would I trade with him? He was going to cook my pig, even though I told him he's mine.)

Did you give Lukas your cookie?
>>>85.6% of players gave Lukas their cookie. (Just because Axel was an asshole.)

Did you build a creeper, a zombie, or an Enderman?
>>>47.6% of players built a Creeper. (Note, I actually didn't say anything here and it was Axel who said they were making a creeper, but for the record, I wanted to make an enderman because Reuben was an enderdragon.)

Did you win the building competition?
>>>58.5% of players didn't win the building competition. (Who cares about a building competition? My pig went missing.)


1h 30m




First Time

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