we don't talk about the catwalk strat
also i highly recommend the bo3 version of this map, no not the dlc one, the remake on the workshop, its peak

shangri makes me wanna puke yellow chunks ngl

i found this in my uncle's wii collection, that's the only thing i know about it, and im too scared to boot it up

funny how the only sixaxis interaction in this game is jerking off a valve

got banned for "hwid spoofer" for uninstalling gta sa in my hdd and reinstalling it on my ssd, the worst thing is, game won't even let me create my own server in lan, literally bans me from my own server, and there is no other option to bypass the "hwid spoof" except kneeling to the admins, make an appeal or format your entire pc, makes me realize why i avoided this thing like the plauge and played samp instead (back when i was a kid)

best re game best version the best always forever

actually makes the game fun to play
has more sovl than the original

Charon only knows two directions: Mephi's front and back.

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could've been a nice detail if at the end daud's outcome was based on our save file, always wondered why they didn't do that

what they doin on the moon dawg 😂

--Codex Scienta--
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.

-Full metal jacket, Joker-

could've actually had an opinion of this game if there wasn't a kupo screaming at my ear every second of the game

this is secretly a denpa game

The only things i remember from this game are some whale guy trying to rizz my friend and me with his big ass flying dragon and me playing josuke's theme at what you'd call the limsa lomisa of the game through some kind of midi player