i hate the fact that people call this game "revolutionary" just because your character can drive cars and walk around in a city, there is a reason why this game is not fondly remembered like vc or sa, it's fucking terrible, there is literally zero excuse for its shitty bumpy cars physics and guns that simply won't shoot where I point at (swat 3 was a thing before this, and that game had an actually working weapon system and an actual "revolutionary" ai, but simply not remembered because it's not le gta 3)

radio channels are the best thing about this game tho, chatterbox is peak gta

western art, as a form, has evolved to a point where only purpose it serves is hate consuming for youtubers with furry png oc's who produce 10 minute essays on a daily basis

Eat your vegetables and brush after every meal.

backloggd schizoposters are my favorite kind on the internet

my copy of this game had a bug that made my entire screen glow whenever i play in the dark does anyone know how to fix it?

yeah go back to your cringy empire LARP business while I steadily wait for my twin-tail BASED boss LUTHER FUCKING HARKON go through his 33rd tyler durden phase for that sweet sweet %20 gunnery armor piercing boost, just another step for my so called WORLD-domination don't mind,,..hah, we pirates!


not much to say about this one, except the fact that it drags on way too much (i've entered this dlc thinking its another one of those dossiers, turns out this one had the tendency of not being in the "assignments" section) and there are enemies left and right basically forcing you to actually consider positioning for once, first boss fight was annoying but me and MY MAN GARRUS (Based) clutched it while all liara did in the entire dlc was dying and whining, honestly idk why she is in the cover of the dlc, should've put garrus in there for how much he struggles to carry his balls every day (they're too big)

has better psychics than gran turismo 4

better than bfv will ever be

for real MEN to channel their inner captain willard

could've been much better if soy admins and russians didn't exist
