7 reviews liked by terminalMuppet

What the hell is this new item mcdonalds? I was very excited to try out this new mcnugget because the original chicken mcnuggets are fucking delicious! This new one doesn't even taste like a chicken nugget, it just looks like one and it tastes very bad >:( Fuck you mcdonalds for making such a disgusting item.

When you play a game made by one guy, you're playing that guy. You're wearing him like a man may wear his favorite hat. You feel that guy to his core, as if you're wearing him like the aforementioned hat. I wore you, The Water Museum. You were my hat. Thank you for game

This game helped me commit suicide.

chulip if chulip was more concerned about like traumacore aesthetics and the sins of the father/mother as narrative propulsion instead of like chibi aesthetics and sins of the business conglomerate as narrative propulsion.
idk maybe I’m like really wrong about chulip but what it’s going for just didn’t grab me like this did, both are equally confusing and confounding and like in some ways basically unplayable, but idk feel like I go into smth like this expecting unplayable. also this just deeply reminded me of my hometown and my mindset from when I lived there. I’m not like that anymore and this really reminded me of just how hopeless that feels and it also made me very happy that life is good. some of the endings feel incredibly hopeful especially when juxtaposed w the game world, would love to know if the more hopeful endings correspond to the nicer (not killing the fox/raccoon and killing the skeleton) you act. same vibes as like any 2010s prog-midwestemo album or establishing shots in flcl or the mysterious voyage of our homer, made me so happy I’m living a different life now. would definitely have liked this more if I hadn’t played lsd dream emulator like a year and a half ago but so it goes. tbh I just think it rocks that there’s a dev room in this and the hidden ending for finding that is just getting a commentary on the making of the game, smth I definitely won’t watch but absolutely appreciate. hope the guy that made this is doing okay.

I've tried pulling off these tricks in my car on the highway and apparently when I do it, it's not "cool" or "worth a lot of points," it's "public endangerment."

Remember kids, if you mess up the jump but no one saw, you can say that you got killed by a bracken or a giant on your way back.