how did 'sonic, but what if he was really, really, really slow and and his spindash controls like a tank charging headlong into the front lines' leave the cutting room floor.

i don't care what anyone says about 'dark age' this, 'meta age' that, this era was truly the worst time to be a sonic fan. don't like this? oh, how about some sonic 3d blast? maybe some sonic drift? how about this 400 dollar console with no sonic games? you like that? huh? no? well tough shit, kid, 1998 is miles away.

dear brad buxer:

i am entirely on your side, you deserve royalties for your work on this game's sound team, but

please, i am begging you, please work something out with sega. jen senoue's chip tune cacophony is making me go through hard times.

a game that goes so hard that indie developers are still chasing its nostalgic retraux style 18 years later. undertale who? i don't know her.

it's a real shame this game is never going to be ported, because it addresses all the issues that people complained about when jet grind radio was ported to pc in 2012 while retaining everything that made the original intriguing. smoother controls with real momentum, significantly more content, total freedom of movement in an open world, etc.

unfortunately, the anonymous faceless cult of beastie boy fanatics who own the rights to hello allison let's have a toast to the girl in aisle 10 will never let us live.

a game with so much content that the ds speakers audibly scream "CONTENT! CONTENT! CONTENT!" directly into your ears until they start bleeding and you pass out from all the CONTENT! being shoved into your brain.

pretty cool.