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MagiMaster completed The Pathless
Would you enjoy this game? This has some similar vibes to Shadow of the Colossus, but I wouldn't compare it to that game directly. The giant creatures are the main focus of the story, but the gameplay is more for people that enjoy traversal-heavy exploration and puzzle-platformer games.

Moment to moment, you're dashing, jumping, gliding around looking for more emblems or crystals, while evading the beasts. Movement feels good, as does the bow. There's a nice little bonus to shooting speed if you can time your shots exactly right, and bouncing off a chain of talismans to cover lots of ground feels great. There is a bit of an issue in some cases getting the targeting to aim at the thing you want, but not enough to spoil the experience. But where are you dashing to and what are you shooting? Actually, mostly you're solving environmental puzzles, which are all pretty well done. Actually fighting the giant beasts is only an occasional punctuation to the puzzling and running.

The medium-term experience of the game is one of trying to search out the items you need to fight back against these looming monsters while trying to avoid said monsters. Getting caught by them is a moment of tension, but ultimately more of a nuisance than anything. You don't have a visible health bar, so it mostly feels like an interruption. But they're usually clearly visible (or the storm around them is anyway) so avoiding them isn't to hard unless you get unlucky. Once you have what you need, you can initiate the boss fight, then you can either move on to the next area, or continue exploring the current now-peaceful area. Exploring feels rewarding as there's lots of little hidden nooks with a few extra crystals, and those crystals provide a meaningful reward by boosting your traversal ability. I don't think you need to find these to beat the game, but it would be harder without.

Should you buy this game for the aesthetics? Maybe. The game has a nice style and it's fun to just run around the world, but it's not such a spectacle as some other giant boss games like Shadow of the Colossus or Solar Ash.

Should you buy this game for the story? Maybe. The story does a good job keeping you moving forward, and you care about the characters, though there's only a few of them of note. The backstory is presented well through the lingering thoughts of the dead scattered around the world, which further incentivizes you to explore. The ending is satisfying and the moral it presents rings true enough.

Should you buy this game for the gameplay? Probably. If you enjoy running around and exploring a world without much in the way of explicit guidance or character interactions, solving puzzles and making a few tricky jumps, then you should enjoy this game.

1 month ago

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