17 reviews liked by this

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Loved the game but the part inside of the jester's box made me suicidal but loved the musical sheet one :D

Playing this game feels like having Stockholm syndrome with a love-hate relationship

The boss fights made me suicidal from the boredom

The puzzles of this game almost gave me an aneurysm, I like the series but this game is my least liked one

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The game bugged and didn't save the levers for the secret ending :|

Loved the game but trying to get gold on the second puzzle took years of my life



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Very cute game with a very cute art style. I really like the story and it's really touching because it's really common for a lot of kids who are children of immigrant parents who can feel an outsider, because of the culture they're born in clashes with the culture they're growing up in. I'm just sad is such a short game, I finished it in like 45 min or less, I know this game focus on 1 family but it would be so good if it could approach more stories of this situation specially inside of Asian culture. Loved the recipes, I might try one day because it looked so good making them :P

"Tearaway" is an incredibly creative game that showcases the ingenuity and originality that is familiar for Media Molecule. The game features unique puzzles and a high level of customization, allowing players to not only customize their character but also draw and create things in the drawing board making you feel like that is YOUR world. One of the most impressive elements of the game is the way it breaks the 4th wall by incorporating the camera and the finger touchpad, which is both clever and inventive.

The 3D platforming is enjoyable, but the camera can be frustrating at times, getting stuck in awkward places. Moreover, the Vita mechanics feel sluggish for most of the game, particularly the back touchpad finger and the "physical rotation of the Vita" mechanics. This can detract from the overall experience, leading to some frustration throughout the game.

Despite these flaws, "Tearaway" is an enjoyable and relaxing experience. The story is simple but cute, and the graphics and overall art style are fantastic. The game's chill and laid-back vibe make it a perfect game for anyone looking for a more relaxed gaming experience.

Media Molecule is a company known for its creativity, and "Tearaway" is a testament to their prowess. Although the game is not perfect, it is a great addition to their catalogue and a must-play for anyone looking for an innovative and charming game on PS Vita.

Mafia: Definitive Edition is a remake of the original Mafia game that was released in 2002. As such, it's natural to compare the two games. The Definitive Edition has beautiful graphics, and the lighting and overall look are cohesive and well art directed. The developers have done an excellent job in updating the game's visuals and creating an immersive atmosphere that transports players to the 1930s.

The story is similar to the original, and for its sake, the original is a very decent mafia story. However, the voice acting, especially from main characters like Paulie, can be over the top and seem like exaggerated bad Italian accents. Despite this, the cinematics are well-directed and engaging, and create the right mood in setting you up for missions.

The gameplay has its highs and lows (mostly lows, in my opinion). The game is at its best when it flows from car escapes to short gunfights and goes from different mechanics in short spans. The driving is fine, the car variety keeps it interesting and the detour zones to escape from cops are a creative mechanic that helps keep the driving/escape missions from becoming stale. However, the lack of diversity in gameplay and the long shooting galleries are a drawback. The shooting itself is clunky and unsatisfying, which can be frustrating. I played it in Hard mode and it made my experience boring instead of challenging. Dying feels cheap and unfair at times and the melee fights are basic spam fests with no depth.

The controls in a third-person shooting game can make or break the player experience. Popular games like GTA, like it or not, create habits for players, and developers should adjust the controls accordingly. In Mafia: Definitive Edition, the controls are adequate, but they could be more intuitive and easier to use.

The game offers two modes for playing, Story and Free Ride. Merging these two modes could improve the game significantly. Playing the solo story mode can feel like chugging along missions that are mostly the same. The race track mission was different and nice, and the developers should have done more of these things to make the game feel less repetitive.

In summary, while Mafia: Definitive Edition has improved the original's visuals and atmosphere, it still has some drawbacks. The lack of diversity in gameplay, clunky shooting mechanics, and basic melee fights make the game feel dated. The controls could be more intuitive and easier to use, and the story's voice acting could be less over the top. Overall, the game is enjoyable, but it could have been better if the developers had addressed these issues.

I beat Persona 5 and plated Persona 5 Royal right after, and I have to say... I had to stop myself from playing it again!

No game is like Persona. No game has the feel of Persona. No game is as unique to me as Persona.

Royal adds on to an already amazing story and offers much requested QOL changes.

The artstyle is amazing. The way the menus are designed, the way everything is coherent. You go from highly stylized menus to anime like cutscenes to 3d cutscenes to 3d gameplay and everything hits just right.

Gameplay is enganging, diverse and deep. The battle system is a bit derivative from other games but it feels more powerful then its predecessors.

If I had any negative things to say for Royal, would be how long it is and how some parts feel drawn out (like Mementos).

At the end of the day, this game felt more special to me than any other game I've played and I couldn't recommend it more.