Damn, early Valve games have so much charm to them. Portal 2 improves on its predecessor with updated graphics, more levels, a more interesting story, new characters, new abilities, and even more excellent writing that hits the funny bone just right.
This was as much fun in the gameplay department as it was entertaining in the storytelling department: and that's to say it was immensely both! A couple of my friends didn't like Wheatley, but I thought he was great! GladOS makes a return as well, as petty and sarcastic as ever, and I even got to witness the legendary lemons speech for myself.
I don't believe I have any major criticism for this game, I thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through, and I love how it incorporated the puzzle solving into exploring the facility instead of just pushing you through rooms similar to how the original did.
I would highly recommend this one! Deserves its classic status!

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2021


3 years ago

i physically aged reading portal 2 being referred to as an early valve game sorry

3 years ago

>Early Valve game

I'm dead boys

3 years ago

oh good i wasn't the only one

3 years ago

"Early valve game"

Clip of Solid Snake aging in MGS4

2 years ago

I'm in the same boat as you guys lol, this came out during my junior high years, I believe, and I'm nearly done with college right now. Time flies haha.