cess | 20+ | mostly otomes and rpgs
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Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley
Cupid Parasite
Cupid Parasite


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Sympathy Kiss
Sympathy Kiss

Jun 16

Even if Tempest
Even if Tempest

Jun 11

Sun Haven
Sun Haven

Jun 03

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"I can only ever be me, and I've sworn to become the ideal version of myself."

Set against the dark fantasy backdrop of Hystoria, Even If Tempest shines as an exciting and gripping otome complete with a strong cast that you can't help but root for. While the start can be a bit slow given the world-building, once the action starts you'll be wishing to keep playing.

I loved Anastasia's character. She's everything I want in an otome MC - earnest, hardworking, and strong-willed, and there was no surprise that each of the LIs held affections for her by the end of her long journey. The build up to the finale was enjoyable and the road was definitely paved with many tears (in some routes more than others). While the romance can be a bit lacking given the need for the plot to resolve itself, I still found myself enjoying it as a story itself beyond the romantic elements. I genuinely wanted everyone to find happiness at the end of all the misery and tragedy that they experience (and they certainly go through a lot).

I had no technical issues such as crashing - I know this was an issue when the game first came out but I was able to get through the game without experiencing any bugs. There were some issues with writing - mainly in terms of plot points and pacing. The grandness of the plot was difficult to resolve within the time frame of the game, which left some unanswered questions at the end of it - which I believe the fandisc has some answers for. Still, I wish the last parts were longer, especially considering it was also Lucien's route that most of the plot was being resolved in.

Still, I enjoyed the game so much so that I believe it deserves a high rating. It's short but delivers an intriguing story through it's fun trial mechanics (fans of ace attorney/danganronpa-esque games rejoice!), and I'll be looking forward to the fandisc as well. Easily one of my top otomes of all time.