22 reviews liked by tiktak

vibri crying when i failed a level made me feel more guilt for my actions then any yoko taro game has done.

rhythm games where i can play out the entirety of weezer's weezer (blue album): vib ribbon
rhythm games where i cant: the rest

is it really that hard of a choice?

The beginning of the Casualization of the Pajama Sam Franchise

the damage fire emblem awakening has done to our society is irreparable and will haunt us for years to come

This review was written before the game released

holy shit, sega hired this man

the rate at which toby fox designs tumblr sexymen is horrifying

5 stars purely for the Femboy Hooters game on it

ADDENDUM: The femboy hooters game got banned. Truly the end of an era

I don't know why but this game really satisfies my OCD

Yes i have a life, a tomodachi life