one of the most fun and addicting games ive played. the guns are fun to use and the discard ability is really easy to get used to and makes the movement a lot more enjoyable.

it introduces new guns and enemies really well by giving you a little tutorial whenever you pick up a card for the first time, and the enemies you just shoot and then you instantly understand what it does. it also gives you time to adjust to the enemies and guns by making the first few levels in every world fairly easy.

the dialogue can definitely be seen as kinda cringe, but to me its the perfect ironically funny type of dialogue that had me audibly laughing sometimes because of how stupid it is.

very fun game that i can see myself replaying a bunch in the future.

one of the most fun games ive ever played, there have been numerous moments where me and my friends start crying laughing at stupid shit that happens. also there are a lot of customization options that you can play with to make the game more enjoyable.

one of those games that you replay every couple months and adore every time. it isnt really anything too special but its just a really short well designed game that you dont really have an excuse to not play.

i was looking for a game that i could just sit down, turn on some chill music, and just relax for a little bit and this is the game that i played to satisfy that want. very relaxing game, however its very buggy at points.


its hard to talk about omori without spoiling the game, so im just gonna say: all the characters are well-written, you could tell me any one of them are your favorite and i would understand (also aubrey is my favorite character in all of video games), this is my favorite video game soundtrack ever and i unironically listen to a couple of these songs in my free time, and the story is both emotional and has so many layers that you realize after beating the game.

the most emotional ive ever gotten over any piece of media ever. throughout my playthrough i cried at least 10-13 times, if you are into story based games this is a must play.

i havent played this game very much, however from what ive played and from what ive seen of this game, this is easily one of the best and most brain shattering puzzle games ever made.

everything about this game is perfect. this is the only game where ill get mad at something and i calm down by continuing to play it. the hardest levels in the game all feel reasonably hard, even if at first a room will look insane, just by throwing yourself at the level you will eventually beat it with enough patience. the story subconsciously helped me realize things about myself, and so many other things. im not gonna say much more because if you havent experienced this game, you really should. however in my eyes this is a perfect game and i can not recommend it enough.