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raisingcanes commented on qlip's review of Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Really good stuff, thanks for the write-up. I always felt like there was a lot of potential in this one.

18 hrs ago

raisingcanes reviewed Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
All human conflict that has ever existed can, under a certain lens, be compounded to a microcosmic world of pairs; two bodies, two hearts, two minds, two souls in unison. Beasts called “man” circling, waiting to pounce, to swipe, to put out the flame of another’s candle.

The will to protect one's world / The pride and joy of conquest
The universal desire to be understood / Blatant disregard of foreign perspective
The fear of losing one’s life / The ancient, primal thrill of the hunt
The sacrificial call to arms / The lonely road of revenge
The love that binds all hearts / Hate enough to carve to the bone

In a flurry of steel, sparks, and sinew, we shed our faces.
Under all that armor, under all that skin
We are animals all the same.

18 hrs ago

19 hrs ago

1 day ago

raisingcanes commented on raisingcanes's list Short musings on games I love and think about.
@Malcolm_Moon4 - If you're playing in English, I can't in good faith recommend playing the official translation over the fan-translation. Tsukihimates' take is the first kinda legitimately good localization job I've seen of Nasu's writing. I've already ordered my limited edition copy anyways to support the company, but just an opinion from someone who loves Nasu's writing, especially in this game.

6 days ago

raisingcanes commented on raisingcanes's list Short musings on games I love and think about.
@ANerdList - Thanks as always for the kind words. I feel like this list serves as more of an artistically substantive alternative to my favorites list, which is more of a personal thing than anything objective.

7 days ago

raisingcanes followed C_F

8 days ago

Lady_Motzo earned the Donor badge

8 days ago

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