Animated and voice acted arcade endings??? An intro that looks straight out of a 90's anime??? Man, gotta say this one surprised me. The combat doesn't feel too bad, but is for sure lacking. The final few fights can be a little difficult, but nothing unbeatable. The polygon models don't look bad and the stages are interesting enough background pieces. Not a bad 3d fighter, especially for its time. Best part is definitely the story elements and animated scenes.

Not the worse fighting game I've played, but certainly lacking. Character designs barely stand out and the gameplay feels slow. I personally was not a fan of the combat system. Everything felt a little clunky and I found myself doing better spamming moves over learning the actual controls. It doesn't look bad for it's time, but compared to other 3d fighting games of this era it just feels lacking.

One of, if not the best Soul Calibur. Has a fulfilling roster with an arcade mode that explores fun overarching stories. The Weapon Master mode is a great addition and adds just enough to make the game feel bigger than the arcade mode. Will forever be sad that Cloud never made it in this game.

A game that has not aged well with time. The polygon graphics don't look bad actually, but the gameplay is rough. The moves feel lacking, but the easy combos can feel really cool. Ai gets pretty difficult the further you play (duh) to the point where it feels a little cheap. Yet to beat the arcade mode.

A big step up from Tekken one, visually and gameplay wise. The combat feels much smoother and the character models look a tremendous amount better. The AI can be really cheap at times (Looking at you Jack-2), but overall is not a bad experience. Was worth playing the arcade mode once or twice, but the fury that was caused by Jack-2 will prevent me from playing again anytime soon.

A huge step up from the last two entries of the series. The AI can be challenging, but not unfair and the combat feels so smooth. The side modes in this game are really fun, Tekken Force being a great addition. The cinematics are great and tell fun stories while also boasting a big step up visually compared to its predecessor. Tekken 3 really is still worth trying, even over 20 years later.

This game is really difficult. The AI can be insane and borderline unfair. Definitely takes some skill and maybe some luck to get all the way through it. Have yet to get to the final fight though. Combat feels great, especially for its time. Really smooth combos and specials. (UPDATE): After some painstaking hours, I finally can say I beat Rugal.

Batman: Arkaham Asylum is not all people make it out to be. Starting with the positives, the story is great and makes you feel like you're inside your own little Batman movie. There's a lot of fun boss battles and everything with the Scarecrow is a blast I really found myself "feeling" like Batman in these sections. With the positives highlighted, I move forward to the bulk of the game. The combat is boring and repetitive outside of boss fights, with the game throwing an obnoxious amount of enemies at you. There's a couple sections where you're met with large more powerful enemies, but their patterns become super repetitive and easy to maneuver and when that isn't enough they just throw in a ass tone of more enemies to make things "harder". I didn't struggle with the combat sections of this game, but I found them extremally tedious and boring to play. The stealth sections start off pretty fun and they leave room for mistakes/creativity, but the further you go on the more frustrating they become. Enemies travel in pairs, thugs with guns deal a large amount of health per hit and the environments get stale and un-fun to maneuver. Most the boss fights end up being pretty enjoyable, but there are a few that really just feel lackluster. Killer Croc's "boss" fight is just you slowly walking around and gathering samples of plants with the occasional batarang throw to stop Croc from getting you. Poison Ivy's fight is repetitive and serves next to no challenge and sticks you in a horrible camera angle for this style of game. The most disappointing however ends up being the final fight. You don't even fight the final boss. That's right, you never fight them. They jump down, swing around, jump up to a platform and send generic enemies down to fight you. You beat the enemies, they jump back down, you hit them once, rinse and repeat. For a game that had already shown me it could have exciting and interesting boss fights, this is what the end with? Overall my experience with this game wasn't very enjoyable and if it wasn't for the story and the actually good boss fights; this game with be rated much much lower.

You're never going to get a better Tetris experience. Enough said.

I don't know maybe I'm just bad at this game, but I really struggled to find this entry enjoyable. For the most part this game plays like God of War 1, but in a much lesser quality. Boss battles are cheesy and the controls are really finicky. Ended up dropping this one.

In my mind, there is no such thing as a Pokémon game being a bad game, but there is a such thing as a bad Pokémon game. This isn't an example of that however. Scarlet has a really fun story and lovable characters. It's one of the first Pokémon games in a long time to actually make me invested in their individual stories. Raids need some MAJOR work, but the main game is a great experience!

I REALLY wanted this to be good. I spent a couple hours playing and just could not get enjoyment out of it. SUPER unbalanced and just clunky feeling.

Dishonored is a game with high potential that just fell short for me. With really unique gameplay options and the ability to handle situations in many different ways, it sounds near perfect. However, I feel the game fell short it terms of story with characters being bland and forgettable as well as boring, un-original storytelling. Very few characters really stood out to me and every twist someone would pull out I found myself predicting way ahead of time. Thankfully this game does end up saving itself with the gameplay. It's fun and unique and I had a blast experimenting with different methods of getting around obstacles. I love that you could play the run without ever killing (though I did kill just about everyone I could) and that depending on how you played your ending would change. My only real flaw with the gameplay itself is how linear the levels feel. Sure you could tackle goals in different orders, but there was never really too much to explore at best you were finding a few heals or a book or two to add to your journal. I really felt no need to adventure in each area as it didn't seem to enhance the gameplay or story. It's definitely a game worth playing, but I can't really give it a greater rating with it's poor story and linear gameplay.