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Like...ok, I get it. I know this genre of game. You put on your higher rating clothes, end up looking like a 5 year old trying on mom's clothes, and get the hightest points possible, hoping to win some more clothes. That's it. That's what the game is for.

But PLEASE give me something more! The storyline sucks. The events are all. always. the same. The clothes are cute, and the customization is cute, but it's always almost good enough.

It lacks more backgrounds to take pictures of your dolls. It lacks more interesting characters. It lacks originality in its events. It overflows in currencies, there's too many of them to keep up with. It overflows in things to do that don't necessarily make sense. There's a lack of intuitiveness in its UI that almost drives me to despair. The home/life sim part is incredibly useless and completely disconnected from literally anything else in the game, what is it even doing there?

And still... It gives you just enough free resources that you can get just enough new high level clothing items. You get just enough currency (of whatever variety) to buy most expensive items. You get an absurd number of (repetitive, but ok) events that give you an outfit each.

If they had a little bit more of originality, if they tweaked a few things... they could truly triumph over their competition. Its already copying them anyway.