not nearly enough platforms listed in the Played On section here. i played this on a piano once.

basically what you want to do is take the base game and add as many mods as possible to make it less american. every time you see something american in the game you need to find a mod to get rid of it. i recommend this approach for all games, but this one especially.

This review was written before the game released

got a copy of this from my uncle who works at nintendo

i'm just gonna post the Arcane Kids manifesto and let it speak for itself:
- shut up about video games
- the fastest way to the truth is a joke
- stop listening to advice
- start your own scene
- art isn't about giving people what they want
- do NOT call us punk
- communities need spaces to grow
- fuck formalism
- fuck puzzles
- play with structure
- bad is more interesting than good
- the purpose of gameplay is to hide secrets
- make games u wish 2 see on the dreamcast


all a game has to do to get me to like it is hard crash to desktop and then hide things in the install folder. thats literally it, it works 100% of the time, i dont care how played it is, i grew up in that 90s/00s era where computers still felt like magic curse boxes so i'll always be a sucker for it.

theres two kinds of reactions to this game; ones where its like "wow so spooky, what a smart takedown of the dating sim genre!" and ones where it's like "i played 5000000000000 dating sims last month and this is ignorant bullshit by philistines." unlike all of them i am a perfect genius who understands that this is a 3 star game with some fun spooks and scares which does a good job at being a meme. and that's fine.

billions of dollars have been spent on sparkly neon cityscapes for AAA games which haven't been 10% as effective as this little slice of perfect Atmosphere

its called pastiche you dipshits and it rocks

honestly this game is basically perfect, surf maps sega dreamcast sonic adventure gun game good sound design good platforming good leaderboards good skips good everything. adore it!

also here's my spiciest take: if you dont like the writing in this but you do like the writing in hades then you need to get better at having fun because they are The Same, but this one is more joyous

this game thinks it's cynical in the jaded gen x coolguy way but it's actually cynical in the deeply uncool 45yo marketing executive republican voter with a tesla way

bethesda games used to be broken and badly written in fun ways. my favourite fact about this game is that they organised the script in alphabetical order when they gave it to the voice actors, so the reason everything sounds so disjointed is that two lines in the same conversation might have been recorded hours apart from each other. thats the type of absolutely insane decision-making which went into making this game, and for that alone i have to support it.

it's got the same weird anti-communist cold war lens as papers please, but it's a game jam game and it's very well-executed and neat, which i'll always give positive marks for. i remember playing this before Papers Please and being so excited for that game's potential. but unfortunately, in retrospect, americans

there are two ways to enjoy this game: as a serious, emotional story of a father looking for his kidnapped son (not recommended) or as a big pile of ridiculous sub-Saw bullshit full of unintentionally hilarious moments (also not recommended).

a really spectacular game about ghosts. the past envelopes the future and drags it through the ice. air bubbles and shards of glass complicate the wreckage; survivors and shipwrecks. it's never as straightforward as it appears. even as we disappear into the mulch and shit at the bottom of the harbour, we lay the foundations for a new world, where something new; something ancient; something beautiful is going to happen.

it's funny too!

its been a long time since a game had a challenge about climbing to the top of an area that i actually wanted to do and enjoyed when i did it