Best presentation of any Fire Emblem game I've played. Voice acting and cutscenes were amazing. From what I've heard this is pretty true to the original, which unfortunately means it suffers from outdated map design, etc.

Not my favorite in the series. Not a fan of trying to break systems/gameplay. Don't really enjoy waifu emblem aspect, although I think this game wrote most of their supports decently well as opposed to games like Fates.

Best story in the series for me. Maps are well designed, varying completion objectives for chapters. Well balanced in terms of difficulty.

Introduced cool systems such as branching job promotions. Unfortunately this is one of the easiest games in the series. Still fun.

Favorite game in the series. Map design is top notch and the sprite work is amazing

Awesome gameplay systems in place. Story is on the weaker side in the series. A lot of fun

Pretty meh story. Really liked some of the characters. Too linear for my tastes

Great cast. Story is pretty bad. Great combat

My 2nd favorite single player game of all time. Definitely some nostalgia bias, but its perfect to me