197 Reviews liked by vRyan

Currently playing with CottonCandy_96. Great on the small sessions.

Completed main stories, tackling DLC kitchens

before epic brought it: amazing
after epic brought it: poo

im JUUUUUUUUUUUST addin my two cents to giving yall a nod that the physics in the demo are great, there's some hiccups here n there with collision but its definitely got some nice momentum and set pieces going on to make each area feel more like a speedster's playground dream, was especially surprised at how youre able to dick around with the enemies too.. so cool!!! :) the kickstarter is currently ongoing as of this mini review touchin on it?.. whenever the full product comes out ill be isolating this in quotes and below it will be my True review <3 give it a whirl if you fw 3d platformers, dont gotta be a sonic fan to get a taste for whats going on.
there's even online that doesnt totally blow and i really like youre able to fully customize what the little dude looks like through hues and saturation adjustment
even funny hats!

I have over 75,000 races in this game (1,000+ hours of just typing) and that is probably very confusing to people, but if you have gotten hooked on grinding this game then you know it. There was nothing else like being in the community back in 2020 and experiencing all the stupid drama from this stupid game. I hate that the community is dead and that the game has become a cash-grab that only releases 1 new car per 2 months, but still... This game comforts me like nothing else. I can just stare at my garage of over 300 cars and think back on the era each of them is from. No other game has ever done that for me, and I don't think the experience of being at Nitro Type's peak can ever be remade by another game.

Edit: Nitro Type actually just announced a ton of great changes coming in the future so I can hopefully say that my favorite game is returning to its former glory

It is an absolute tragedy that this game is STILL stuck on the DS (I also lost my cartridge many years ago and havent picked it up since)

hey man there's mines on the cashout look ou-

Well I certainly kept that army of racist bastards well fed.

the sheer amount of dopamine that is released in the brain of anyone who plays this should be studied by scientists

personally i find this underrated. The visuals were superb and seemed fitting for the vibe of the game. The choice of being evil and good is consistent with coles character throughout the plot.

That being said however, there were questionable plotlines through the game's story. That either seemed unfitting or badly written.

Played this on the bus during a school field trip years ago the most heated games of my entire life there were real dollar bills put on this game

This game is stylish, fun, weird, sad, scary but overall, a beatiful experience that looks like a painting in motion while you are playing it

This game is harder than Dark Souls those fucking decepticons should have stayed on cybertron

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THANK YOU. I love when I play a game and i can tell that the people who made it cared. Its got all of the good things from the first game and more. This is so refreshing afternthe whole soulless mario movie thing. The characters were amazing the story was simple but effective MY GIRL ROSALENA WAS THERE! Its a true delight.

Making a review of this game is like making a review of pencils.Who needs a pencil review?