72 Reviews liked by vferlies



A solid OST, cool atmosphere, cuteness factor, and some decent environmental storytelling only occasionally help make the mediocre exploration/platform gameplay more digestible. A lackluster game that I only recommend getting when it's on sale if you're any interested.



(2-hours review)

Conceptually, the most "cheating" game of the year, which also successfully released exactly at the moment when.. not only there are no competitors, there are no games at all for a month) in a typical summer stagnation. I hope that my review turned out to be quite objective, since in life I am neutral about cats.
What can I say about the genre of the game? Firstly, no joke - the best cat simulator, although the animations do not have enough AAA budget, but for an indie game everything is very worthy and "smooth" looks, between runs you can scratch your nails on the "plank", or "walk stroking" between the legs of the robot, or take a picture for your desktop backgrounds, cutely curled up in places to sleep, or you can just run for hours shoving numerous physical objects scattered around every corner of the world.
Secondly, this is a Walking Simulator with elements of role-playing games, if you were hoping for a story game, then, alas, no, even the ending here does not give any answers and is a "formality", the plot is here more concentrated in the lore of the game, welcome to another apocalypse in the cyberpunk setting, all people have died out, cities have turned into garbage dumps where "humanoid" robots live, as well as small local caterpillar-like headcrabs.
I would not call the game a Quest either, take an object, bring it there - "the door will open", the puzzles here seem to be at that level. It will also be possible to use items from the inventory and talk to "NPCs" using your assistant robot.
There is also a good soundtrack that can give you a couple of emotional moments, but again, this is not a full-fledged "story game", so everything is limited to scripted escapes that will be very similar to each other. I can also note that so far the optimization is very lame, with far from the most technologically advanced graphics, but this is fixable, at least there are no bugs at all.

🏆Probably the best game you can play in the summer, and the most successful project of a small publisher Annapurna Interactive, we are waiting for new interesting projects.

Subscribe on my Steam Curators page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41977550/
Концептуально самая "читерская" игра года, ещё и удачно вышедшая ровно в тот момент, когда не то, что конкурентов нету, вообще никаких игр месяц не выходит) в типичный летний застой. Я надеюсь, что мой обзор получился достаточно объективным, так как в жизни я к котам отношусь нейтрально.
Что я могу сказать про жанр игры? Во-первых, это без шуток - лучший симулятор кота, анимациям хоть и не хватает AAA бюджета, но для инди-игры всё очень достойно и "плавно" смотрится, а в перерывах между забегами вы сможете и ногти почесать об "дощечку", и "пройтись поглаживая" между ног робота, и, пофоткать себе фоны для рабочего стола, мило свернувшись клубочком в местах для сна, а можете просто часами бегать и распихивать многочисленные физические объекты, раскиданные на каждом углу мира.
Во-вторых, это Симулятор Ходьбы с элементами ролевых игр (даже название переводится как "бродить" вроде), если вы надеялись на сюжетную игру, то, увы, нет, даже концовка тут не даёт никаких ответов и является "формальностью", сюжет тут больше сконцетрирован в лоре игры, добро пожаловать в очередной апокалипсис в сеттинге киберпанка, все люди вымерли, города превратились в помойки, где живут "человекоподобные" роботы, а также мелкие местные гусеницаподобные хэдкрабы.
Квестом я бы игру тоже не назвал, возьми предмет, поднеси туда то - "дверка откроется", головоломки тут вроде на таком уровне. Также можно будет применять вещи из инвентаря и разговаривать с "неписями", используя вашего робота-помощника.
Тут ещё хороший саундтрек, который способен подарить вам пару эмоциональных моментов, но, опять же, это не полноценная "сюжетная игра", так что всё ограничивается заскриптованными побегами, которые будут очень похожи друг на друга. Могу ещё отметить, что пока оптимизация очень хромает, при далеко не самой технологичной графике, но это исправимо, хотя-бы багов вообще нет.

Скорее всего, лучшее, во что вы сможете поиграть летом, и, самый успешный проект небольшого издателя Annapurna Interactive, ждём новых интересных проектов.



Cute lil game I guess. Kinda plays itself with how the "platforming" is just point and press a button with infinite error margin plus the puzzles and chase sequences being so funneled and lenient you couldve made them cutscenes and not lose much player agency.
Art direction and ost are top tier though, and interacting with the npcs brings a lot of charm to the world. I just wish there was more actual game "meat" to it.
The game has pretty severe issues with its frame time stability considering how short it is, but I assume itll get fixed in a later patch as is increasingly more common nowadays with new releases on pc unfortunately.

Its fine.



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Another Annapurna Interactive banger for the books.



It is a cute and competent game, but a bit thin on the actual game. This one is quite short - maybe not to its own detriment - with honestly some great art direction going for it. Ultimately I think I can only recommend this as an aesthetic experience alone. Be prepared though, playing for 100% took me only just under 6 hours at a quite leisurely pace.



I kid you not this is one of the best games Ive ever played. Emotional story filled with great environmental areas and puzzles. A very fun Platinum akin to that of the Spider-Man games (since those are fun to plat too) I loved it so much all the way through.

Cat game goat



The greatest creation in the history of mankind



I wish the game didn't rely so hard on dialogue at times since the appeal for me was always seeing the world through the eyes of a cat and the camera also gave me some sickness at times but honestly very cute experience, definitely recommend it if you want something short and nice.
Great atmosphere too.







It's a walking simulator but you're a cat. If that sounds good to you, buy it.

It's has immaculate environmental design and overall is stunningly looking, which is also it's biggest selling point. I liked the movement, but otherwise there isn't much to say about the gameplay. All it does is quite simple and mostly done alright. My only real criticisms would be the checkpoints in the stealth segments, but even that is barely worth mentioning. Also, this needs a photo-mode!!!
What I missed in the second half, was the verticality of the first area, although the layout and stores easily made up for my initial disappointment.

I also really appreciate the nod to Nier:Automata in the Ant Village. If you don't know what I'm referring to, listen to the song on the soundtrack again and right after that put on 'Significance' from Nier. Also best area, period



What a lovely little gem! It has all the vibes (TM) I hoped for, doesn't overstay its welcome and has an incredibly beautiful and delicately crafted world! I just wish there was a chapter select menu, without it I'm not really inclined to 100% the game. Which is fine, actually. I had a good enough time as it is!



I finished this in a day. I took a break half way through to watch a film (loving vincent, very good but this isn’t letterboxd) so i wouldn’t feel too bad playing a game for six hours straight.

This was a wonderful experience. I laughed, smiled, cried and just had a great time. Exploring was interesting, i loved the characters, the story was short and sweet, the atmosphere it has is great and they did a great job at making the cat really feel like a cat.



don't let the internet's ability to beat anything slightly novel to death cloud your judgement on this one. while the one word reviews of "cat." and "omg there's a meow button" might make this seem like a game exclusively for morons without an original thought in their head, stray actually rules. all the truly great cat staples you know and love are here. walking on keyboards. knocking stuff off of tables. jumping on people while they're sleeping. fucking up in progress board games. and all seamlessly integrated into a stunningly crafted cyberpunk world that feels lived in populated by robot characters that feel alive. some less than inspired puzzles and paint by numbers stealth sequences towards the end of the game aren't enough to get in the way of the gameplay that really matters: finding a quiet spot to curl up and watch the world go by.