Tanques são mais faceis de controlar

From the sky of hate we come
With righteous anger in our hearts
To wield the sword that smites Evil
Thou art the innocent blade----- Demonbane!

"Experience repeated hardships, overcome numerous difficulties, and finally attain the fulfillment of your goals through your trials and tribulations."

Nukitashi is a great eroge but with several problems. As much as I liked all the routes, except the true route the others are useless, the first 3 only cover minor details and even then these minor details are mentioned in the true route. The production is also very limited with few backgroundimgs/cgs for what was needed and too generic songs that only shine at key moments. But even with these flaws I think the VN manages to shine in the message it wants to tell and all the comedy is excellent with a good cast of characters. Nukitashi is not a work that is made to be taken 100% seriously and this must be taken into account while reading, for that very reason even now I have doubts what rating I should give, but even so I will follow my heart because I definitely love this game.

Man... what an incredible game! A true gem brought to us by Insomniac Games, with a production that never leaves anything to be desired, pushing any machine to its limits. Art direction from another planet, incredible, extremely vivid worlds with interesting characters (they leave something to be desired, though). Due to the scope of the production, the story may have been a little lacking, but in the end, with everything this game has to offer, such a rich and beautiful worlds, I can't help but love this game with my heart.

Best thing ever, pinacle of fiction, extremely progressive and a love letter to the LGBT community.
Peak fiction.
Thank you, Qruppo.